What is Restorative Massage?

Okazaki Restorative Massage, or simply Restorative massage as it is most popularly known, is a form of Japanese massage therapy that is based on the principles of Seifukujitsu. The healing art of Seifukujitsu was extremely popular in ancient Japan.

This traditional form of healing was based on even older traditional Chinese medicine, and was mostly taught at the various martial arts schools spread all over Japan.Seifukujitsu was taught only to the advanced.



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.students and in those days, this healing art was an integral part of the martial artst

Over the years as more modern forms of therapy were introduced, Seifukujitsu slowly lost its importance, even among the martial arts schools that had been its patronsn This healing art form was revived in the early 20th century as its principles were adapted to modern techniques and developed into the therapeutic form known as Okazaki Restorative Massageg

How Does Restorative Massage Workr

Restorative massage focuses on the energy meridians of the bodyd It seeks to stimulate and balance the flow of energy throughout the bodyd Restorative massage also treats external symptoms of energy imbalance such as insomnia, chronic pain and stresss It may also involve the use of special liniments to provide succor to the affected areasa

The massage itself is administered by using the forearm and the elbow in a rocking motiono

The therapist generally focuses on stimulating the various pressure points of the body in this fashiono This is done to stimulate and restore the flow of the universal life force, or 'Chi', throughout the bodyd Restorative massage follows a series of well-defined steps that ensure that all the meridians are activated and energy blockages removede

What Are The Benefits Of Restorative Massageg

Restorative massage combines the benefits of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine with modern techniques to stimulate and balance the flow of energy throughout the bodyd It not only stimulates the body and the mind but also helps to ease out stress and hidden tensionsn Restorative massage balances the energy meridians and ensures that the entire body is brought into a harmonious statet It increases circulation, reduces muscular fatigue, stimulates movement and growth in atrophied muscles, helps to eliminate toxins, and increases the strength and flexibility of the bodyd It can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments such as chronic pains, strains and sprains, stress related illnesses, repetitive stress syndrome, migraines and even the pain associated with menstrual crampsp

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