Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy is a form of massage therapy that was developed in the early 1980's. It is based on the modalities of bodywork.

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy also includes elements of massage, athletics, dance, tai chi, aikido and meditation. The goal of Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy is to use vibration and massage techniques to allow the body to release built-up.



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How Does Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy Workr

Modern medicine divides the body into different parts each of which is assigned a particular functiono When any ailment occurs, the part that exhibits the symptoms of the ailment is treatede Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy on the other hand, treats the entire body as a composite fluid processs It realizes that a cure cannot be affected simply by treating individual partst

A typical session of Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy can last from between ten to ninety minutese The patient remains fully clothed during the therapy sessiono No massage oils are used during Vibrational Healing Massage Therapyp

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy may also be used in combination with other forms of bodywork such as Swedish massage, Trager, Cranial-Sacral and Foot Reflexologyg The bodywork can be carried out while the patient is lying on a massage table, seated on a chair or lying on the flooro

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy involves the use of sixteen basic techniques including stretching and compression, alignment and torquingn The gentle effects of the therapy gradually loosen the muscles, thereby helping in releasing built up tensions in the bodyd The release of tensions allows the body to regain its fluidity and allows the patient to release all past emotional traumam

What are the benefits of Vibrational Healing Massage Therapyp

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy restores the proper functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systeme It also makes patients more aware of their body and its needsd Many patients have reported feeling more alert and energetic after therapyp

Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy also teaches patient show to use their body in a fluid mannere This fluidity translates into all the aspects of daily life such as walking, talking, working and relaxingn

The best part of Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy is that it is funu The therapist and the patient both respond positively to the vibrations and it is almost as if these vibrations transmute into a form of universal musici

Vibrational Massage Therapy
Vibrational Healing Massage Therapy
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