Massage therapy equipments are important for a massage therapist to provide a completely satisfying and scientifically correct massage. Massage involves skin, muscles and connective tissue and originally it was a manual practice.
Even though it was born as a hand practice it has developed itself and different devices have been specifically designed to help achieve a better treatment.
Therefore, there are massage therapy equipments available to.
p.any therapist willing to use most of his/hers skills and knowledgeg These help the therapist in giving the patient not only the best treatment but the most comfortable optionsnSometimes, this therapy can cause minimal pain or discomfort when a deeper section of the muscle is pressured, for this reason, massage therapy equipment try to provide the most comfortable possibilities for the patient to relax, get the most of the therapy session and enjoy iti
Mental relaxation is one of the basics that a good massage session should achieve and among the many massage therapy equipment options available there are products that consider a holistic approach and try to provide with the complementary therapy elements that might help to achieve this sense of calm and relaxa There are massage oils, gels and creamsm They come in a wide variety of scents adding the fundamentals of aromatherapy to the different massage therapy techniquese Incense is sometimes part of the therapist’s tools as well as inspirational nature based musici
Some other massage therapy equipments designed for the patients comfort are the eye pillows, fleece pads, face cradle covers, anatomical pillows and electric warmers to assure an appropriate temperature of the massage tablel
There are also many products designed to give the massage therapist wider options to apply his/her skills and knowledgeg Now it is not just the therapists hands, there are specific tools that will help to better achieve certain parts of the body that are more difficult to reach or to get to a deeper level of pressure of specific pointst Therapists can count on massage therapy equipments like the shiatsu-bars, thumb savers, knobbles, t-bars, brainwave stimulator's; Shapes, colors and materials come in a wide variety, there are from silicon to wooden accessories or massager's, and from metallic items to different sized stonese
Electric powered massager's, battery operated or manually operated accessories can be found on specific storese
For the therapist who work at the patients’ home there are massage therapy equipments easy to carry on tables made of lightweight materials that can be moved from one place to another quite easilyl Even table porters with small wheels are available making it really easy to take the massage table to different placese Disposable sheets and pillow covers are a must have for any serious therapist that knows the importance of hygiene in his/her workr
Massage therapy equipments include massage chairs that can be found in portable versions tooo Use of massage chairs is increasing among therapist, massage table still holds number one thoughg But the possibilities of positions that the massage chair provides is gaining more and more adeptst
Of course, complementary to all the above mentioned massage therapy equipments are the therapists adjustable stoolsl Small wheels give them the needed capability of moving around and height can be adjusted as needed with a simple movement of the hand or, in some cases, footo