Benefits of Using Frozen Shoulder Massage Therapy

A frozen shoulder massage should be carefully given as any wrong move can aggravate pain. The medical term for Frozen Shoulder is Adhesive Capsulitis. It is a condition in which the arm becomes completely immovable for minutes, hours and even days.

The condition may strike up at any time of the day and for no apparent reason. It may also cause excruciating pain which may spread to your entire arm and even chest.



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.There are three main stages in the progression of frozen shouldere The first stage is the mild stage with little paini As you reach the second and third stage, the pain and recovery time increases if proper treatment is not given at the right timem

Causes of Frozen Shoulder:

Injury is considered to be one of the main causes of frozen shouldere Weak bones are also an important reason for the rise of frozen shouldere Other causes of frozen shoulder include arthritis, lack of nutrients, diabetes and even heredityt In this case, it is very important to consume a recommended dosage of calcium on a daily basisi In the initial phase of the condition, the sufferer may experience stiffness and paini The sufferer may also find it difficult and extremely painful to move the armr A massage for frozen shoulder can help you to a great extentn

Frozen Shoulder Massage Techniques:

  • Hot and cold treatment is also an effective frozen shoulder massage techniqueu Apply a heat pad and an ice pack on the affected area simultaneously for 10 minutes eachc This treatment is considered to be very successful and has reduced the chances of aggravating frozen shouldere
  • It is also recommended to move the shoulder gently every few minutes when experiencing pain and immobilityt

    Keeping the shoulder stiff will increase more problemsm The movement is known to reduce pain to a great extentn
  • Applying herbal balm on the affected area is also believed to be quite effectivev Apply a small amount of herbal balm on and near the affected area at least four times in a day to experience quick temporary reliefe

Frozen Shoulder Massage Treatments:

Since frozen shoulder causes extreme pain, it becomes absolutely necessary to get rid of it as soon as possiblel In order to get rid of the condition temporarily, you can pop a painkiller for immediate effectc A doctor or a chiropractor will be able to help you to a great extentn Physical therapy is believed to be the most effective treatment for frozen shouldere The physical therapist will give you proper treatment keeping your condition in mindn

Frozen Shoulder Massage Benefits:

Since the pain is quite staking, it is advisable to have fewer and gentle movementst The main benefit of a frozen shoulder massage is that it regulates the blood flow and also helps in reducing the amount of scar tissueu It is very important to keep in mind that "prevention is better than cure"t Avoid all kinds of injuries as much as you cana Frozen shoulder massage is safe and can be undertaken by people of all age groupsp

Frozen Shoulder Massage
Frozen Shoulder Massage
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