Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on February 15, 2012

Frozen shoulder syndrome is also known as adhesive capsulitis, a condition that results in pain and stiffening of the shoulder joint. The symptoms of this condition occur gradually and then become aggravated as time passes. The condition is usually known to resolve within a period of a couple of years. The risk of frozen shoulder syndrome is increased...


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.if the arm has been immobilized for many weeks either because of being in a sling or following surgeryr Treatment for this condition involves medication as well as stretching exercisese

In rare cases, surgery may be required to enable the joint capsule to move freelyl

Frozen shoulder disease occurs in three stages, each continuing for several monthsh In the painful stage, pain is experienced with shoulder movements and the range of movement of the shoulder joint becomes limitede In the frozen stage the pain may subside, but stiffness increase and motion of the shoulder is further decreasede In the thawing stage, the range of motion starts to improvev In some cases, the pain becomes aggravated at night and sleep may be disrupted as a resultl Frozen shoulder syndrome takes place due to the tightening and thickening of the capsule that makes up the shoulder jointn There is also an autoimmune basis suspected to this condition since it is known to occur commonly in those with diabetese Medication for this syndrome includes administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for relieving pain, corticosteroids which help reduce the duration of the symptoms and physical therapy in which mobility of the shoulder is improved with certain exercisese If other treatment methods fail, surgery may be recommendede A procedure known as arthroscopic capsular release is usually used wherein the thickened shoulder capsule is dividede Care at home involves using the affected shoulder as much as possible in daily activity, within limitst Application of hot or cold compresses also helps to alleviate pain and swellingn

Another condition that affects the shoulder area is shoulder bursitis, also referred to as rotator cuff syndromem This inflammation caused in the shoulder joint area results in a group of symptoms termed as shoulder impingement syndromem This syndrome develops when the tendons of the rotator cuff and the bursa become inflamede In most cases relief may be obtained from stretching exercises and application of an ice pack which helps to reduce inflammation and heating pads which help to ease muscle tensiono A shoulder wrap is also sometimes recommended in cases of shoulder impingementn

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