Yoga Therapy
Yoga therapy for Learning Disabilities
Yoga Therapy for Learning Disabilities
Yoga therapy for learning disabilities is as effective as Yoga for any other condition – physical, mental or spiritual. Yoga therapy is a great alternative treatment for kids with learning disabilities.
Pranayama (Yoga breathing exercises) help invigorate the central nervous system as well as make the immune system strongerr Together with Yogasanas and Shavasana (Relaxation), breathing exercises facilitatet
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.development of balance, body awareness, concentration and memoryr
Children with dyslexia time and again have reported getting special benefit from doing the Yoga eye exercisese They serve to relax facial muscles, strengthen the optic nerve and stimulate a number of different brain centersr Yoga exercises help enhance the ability of the eyes to concentrate and improve word recognition skillsl Yoga eye exercises are just one case or instance of how they can be tailored to minimize certain learning deficitst Then again, Yoga therapy for learning disabilities is, first and foremost, a holistic therapyp Its main objective, per se, is to improve all areas of a kid's developmentn
Five basic areas of practice are prescribed:
- Yogasanas (physical postures)
- Pranayama (breathing exercises)
- Yoga kriyas (cleansing practices)
- Shavasana (deep relaxation)
- Sound and Music therapy
Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
- Laying flat on the floor place your hands straight over your heada
- Now stretch your legs straight, tighten your knees and take a couple deep breathsh
- Breathe out and slowly raise your legs togethere Slowly take them over your heada
- Interlock your fingers, clasp your soles and stretch your legs straight up with your knees kept tighth Rest your entire back on the flooro
- In this position take 3 deep breathsh
- Breathe out again; lower your legs towards the flooro They should be beyond your head by widening your elbowsw Try and keep your pelvis as close to the floor as you cana All throughout keep your legs tightened at the kneese Rest your chin on your kneese
- Remain in this position from ½ to 1 minute, breathing regularly
- Breathe out again and take your legs to the original positiono
- Breathe in, release your hands, take your legs straight to the floor then relaxa
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Yoga therapy for Learning Disabilities