Are Vitamin C And Lemon Extract The Same?

Submitted by Allan on January 15, 2013
Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, a water soluble compound. We need it to stay healthy and keep away from citrus fruits, and also in tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. Lemon extract, on the other hand, is diseases like scurvy. It can be present in lemons, other the essence of lemon zest, soaked and infused in alcohol; it may or may not contain vitamin C. Although the sources of vitamin C and lemon extract are similar, they are singular and have their own specific uses.


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Uses of vitamin C

Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen, a major component that binds the tissues, muscles, bones, and skin and keep the tissues working well. Vitamin C repairs joint tissues that are often damaged due to excess physical activity. It acts as stimulant in body defense mechanisms and protects vitamins A and E and other dietary fats from oxidation.

It promotes absorption of iron from plant foods.

Vitamin C repairs collagen and moves fat to where it can be converted into energy. It is also a key ingredient in the production of neurotransmitters. Vitamin C can prevent joint pains and poor teeth and bone growth. It enhances wound healing and inhibits infection.

Vitamin C dosage

The appropriate daily dosage of vitamin C is still a matter of debate. The recommended dose according to U.S. Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine is as follows:

  • For men above 18 years of age—90 mg daily
  • For women above 18 years of age—75 mg daily
  • For pregnant women above 18 years of age—85 mg daily
  • For children the recommended amount varies depending on the age group, starting from 15 mg for 1-3 year olds, to 45 mg for 9-13 year olds, 75 mg for adolescent boys and 65 mg for adolescent girls. Higher doses are recommended for children and adults with vitamin C deficiencies.

The body does not store excess vitamin C and it is eliminated through urination. Some of the best sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits and fresh vegetables. Mega doses of vitamin C can trigger harmful side effects such as cataract, poor copper absorption, and other ailments

Lemon extract recipe

Peel the lemon zest with a peeler and avoid the white pithy part as it makes the extract bitter. Place the zest in a jar and pour half cup of vodka to cover all the zest. You can also add a teaspoon of sugar to sweeten the flavor. Close the bottle and shake well and store the jar in a dark place for two to four weeks. Give the jar a shake once every day. Strain the zest to obtain lemon extract.

Uses of lemon extract

Lemon extract is used in cooking. It is commonly used in foods, beverages, and health products. It can also be used to clean chinaware and utensils. Additionally, it helps in treating intestinal disorders and can also be used as a substitute for lemon zest or lemon oil.


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