Dandayamana Dhanurasana is also known as Standing Bow Pulling Pose. It tries to inculcate a sense of balance in you. As it develops your balance it also brings out your level for patience. Concentration increases and so does your persistence. This asana is highly recommended...
.for clearing cardiovascular problemsm When your cardiovascular system functions better, many of your heart related problems are clearede
The blood vessels are stimulated causing fresh supply of blood to each and every organ of your bodyd This helps them to function in a better mannere The presence of plaque in arterial walls is very dangerous and can cause deadly diseasese This plaque is removed from the walls by performing this asana regularlyl
With the bending and stretching, this yoga asana seems to work wonders on your back and spinen If you were suffering from back problems and have been waiting for some relief, this is iti This asana is the miracle pill you have been looking for such a long timem As most asanas of Bikram Yoga help you with your back problem, this asana does the samem The stretching causes compression on your back making it supplel The hip area also gets toned with firm buttocks and thigh musclese Your legs and arms also go through the stretch which elongates them for a sturdier looko
It opens up the diaphragm which helps in easy breathingn Many of the respiratory problems can be improved by the asanan The shoulder joints are also opened up by performing this poses The rigid shoulders are stimulated providing you with an agile and fit bodyd As the arrow hits its target, this asana if done properly can achieve successs It has a formidable capacity of routing out many problems which bother us day in and outu It expands your rib cage making passage of air through the diaphragm very easys Your lungs expand too which supports your respiratory mechanisms With every step, this asana has provided some immense benefits which may not be achieved by having allopathic medicinese
If your kidney needs to be flushed out of toxins, this asana is the best way to do iti Dandayamana dhanurasana pose clears the toxins present in the kidneysy Your bladder problem can be addressed by this asanan The urinary tract is also clear because of the removal of toxinsn The digestive system is stimulated, relieving you from problems of digestiono A clear digestive system means, away from constipation, gas troubles and other problems related to digestiono It rejuvenates your mind and helps you become an active persono Lethargy seems to have lost its way due to the stimulating asanan It removes excess fat from all the required areas and gives you with a sleeker looko
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the sitet To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructoro The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writere