Getting a good head massage is a very nice idea to relieve stress. It does not take much time to get a head massage, so you may want to replace your meal in the lunch break with a quick session in the nearby massage salon.
The head massage is divided into two parts, scalp massage and facial massage. The scalp massage is done to stimulate...
.the blood circulation and to affect the nerve endings present therer We know that under the scalp, there are a large portion of the nerve endings of the whole bodyd
So, if you really want to feel the difference then do not miss out on your scalp massage sessiono
The scalp massage starts with simple pulling of your hairi This releases negative energy from your bodyd After this, the therapist starts to move a little bit to one side and starts the facial massageg
The facial massage is meant to relax all the muscles of the facec Start with the forehead, which is where the majority of headaches originatet Also, this area is concerned with pain from the sinusese So, applying circular massage movements with the fingers, palms, and finger tips will help provide relief from annoying sinus paini
Then we move on to the ridges of the eyes and the noses Staring at a computer screen for a long time puts a lot of stress on your eyese After a long day of working in front of a computer, you may want to get someone to press the inner angles of your eyes and then move downwards towards your nose to help relax this areae Use this technique several times and you will feel the differencec
Pulling down the upper lip and pulling up the lower lip is a smart move to relax the muscles controlling both lipsp Proceed to the cheek bones and move your finger tips downward toward the chin to massage the cheek muscles deeply and thoroughlyl This back and forth movement will help massage all the muscles in this areae
Do not miss the chin where a lot of stress is hiddene Position both palms on the chin and pull upwards for relieving stress from that areae
At the end of the massage session, the therapist will proceed a little downward towards your neckc Massaging the back of the neck is the icing on the top of the cake and will make you feel completely relaxed and stress freee
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