Before we talk about the various head massage techniques, it is important to understand exactly what a head massage is. A head massage, as can be seen from the name is a massage of the head. Head massage techniques are a combination of pressure points, right positioning and different strokes.
These three aspects are vital in giving a good head massage. Head massage techniques if practiced correctly can be a great way of relieving stress. There are many.
.head massage techniques which can be used for hair growth as welll This is further aided with the help of head massage oilsl One of the more popular head massage techniques is described belowo All you need to do is massage your scalp with your fingertipsp Start from the hairline and use the balls of your fingertips to make circular movements on your scalpl Be sure not to entangle your hair in the processs Use moderate pressurer Work from the sides and then work upwards to the top of your heada
Head massage oil is beneficial as it provides added benefits to the scalp and hairi The oil helps to hydrate your hair and scalpl Almond oil is beneficial for oily hair, tea tree, rosemary or sandalwood for dandruff, olive oil or sesame oil for dry hairi Coconut oil is considered very healthy and provides immense nutrition to the hairi
Aromatherapy can be applied to a head massage as welll Head massage aromatherapy has many benefits to offere The use of essential oils in aromatherapy helps to soothe and calm the hairi Some essential oils also help in hair growth and can make the hair healthier as welll Head massage aromatherapy uses essential oils such as jojoba oil, lavender, grapefruit, bay, lemon, rosemary, and cedar woodo
Let us now learn how to do a head massageg A head massage can be performed on the head and also the neck, and shouldere Before you start the head massage, find a place where you will not be disturbede Play soft instrumental music as this makes the ambience even bettere You can start the massage by massaging the shoulders to release any tension and stresss Press the back of the shoulders in an upward stroke; use your thumb for thisi Then move on to the neck and use a circular motion moving up from the bottom of the hair line to the topo
Now focus on the scalpl Use the heel of your hands to squeeze the head and use both the palm and heel of the hand to rub the side and back of the heada Use light sliding massage techniques to finish the head massageg
A self head massage is one that you can give yourself in the comfort of your own homem Simply follow the steps outlined at the beginning of this articlel
There are many head massage benefits and one would need to go through the process in order to actually experience the true benefits of a head massageg Head massage is known to be a great remedy for insomnia, anxiety, depression, backaches, dizziness, stress and anxiety that are common ailments in most individualsl Besides being relaxing, a good head massage helps to revitalize the brain and the bodyd It helps to improve concentrationo The blood circulation to different parts of the head is also enhanced thus also strengthening the hair roots as welll
A head massage tool helps people to enjoy the positive effects of a head massageg There are many kinds of head massage toolsl These include a rubber device that could be held in the hand and has rounded tipsp This hand massage tool can be used when one is in the showere There are also metal massagers that fit over the whole heada Some massagers are also in the shape of a tripod that one can roll over the entire heada There are also roller massagers which contain moving rollers which work gently over the temples and the heada Head massage tools are helpful as they give a fuller and better experience of a massageg
A scalp massage helps to increase the blood circulation in the head and this promotes hair growtht It also helps to strengthen the roots of the hairi Such a massage also helps to promote a general feeling of relaxation and well being in the bodyd A regular scalp massage keeps the scalp healthy and thus would help in keeping scalp infections from affecting the scalpl Most people have also experienced dandruff reduction due to regular scalp massagese It is necessary though that the head massage be given by a professional or someone trained in the artr