Yoga Helps Combat Insomnia And Sleep Disorder

By Patricia | February 4, 2009
Yoga Techniques For Insomnia

Can Yoga Help Insomnia

Yoga can help combat insomnia and is in fact one of the best remedies for sleep disorders. Yoga is one of the most wholesome of all fitness regimes, and even in the context of sleep disorders it can help in many ways. Yoga stimulates the nervous system, particularly the brain, and this improves the quality of sleep itself. Practicing certain yoga postures helps improve blood circulation through your body and to the brain as well. This helps to normalize sleep patterns.

Yoga being a wholesome discipline, not only focuses on the physical. Breathing exercises or pranayamas improves the oxygen supply throughout your body. This improved oxygen supply to the brain improves its functioning. Practice of these yoga poses and breathing techniques also facilitates the expulsion of toxins from the body, which helps to rejuvenate.

Insomnia has become an extremely common and disturbing disorder that seems to be inescapable for most of us living in the modern world. As we struggle to keep pace with the progress around us and the rising stress levels and pressure at the workplace our health suffers tremendously; both physically and mentally. Insomnia can be caused by both or either.  Yoga is therefore the best way to treat insomnia, as it addresses both physical and emotional or mental health.

If your insomnia prevents you from falling asleep, try practicing some of the deep relaxation exercises and meditation techniques that are an integral part of yoga. Do this around twenty minutes before attempting to sleep. This will relax your body and calm your mind, giving you a chance to rest peacefully. If your insomnia stems from disturbed or interrupted sleep try to practice gentle and rhythmic breathing exercises, whenever you wake up. This will help you fall asleep. Moreover the problem of disturbed sleep should be resolved if you practice a rigorous yoga session everyday.

Insomnia is not a disorder that occurs independently in most cases, and can therefore be treated by eliminating symptoms that cause insomnia. This is where daily yoga workouts will come in handy. A daily yoga routine will help to stay in shape, both stretching and relaxing muscles. It will help relieve stress, anxiety and fatigue, whether physical or mental. Tending to one aspect of your health while neglecting another never bodes well, so make it a point that you also follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Cut down on your intake of caffeinated drinks too and avoid them completely for at least six hours before your sleep time. Similarly, avoid consuming any alcohol or having a heavy meal soon before going to bed.

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