Stomach Pain Remedies: Causes And Home Treatment For Abdominal Pain

By Patricia | December 16, 2009


The most important thing to do when suffering from stomach pain is to find out what is causing it. There are a number of reasons why a person could suffer from abdominal pain and yet feel that the pain is originating from the stomach, for example, injury, appendicitis, problem with an internal organ, gallstones, etc. are just some of the things that could give one a feeling of experiencing a stomach pain. It’s always good to get a physician to check for the root of the problem. However, for most people a stomach pain could signal indigestion or food poisoning. These ailments are usually caused due to unhealthy eating habits and therefore can be rectified easily by simple changes in eating and lifestyle.

Homemade Treatment

Junk food, oily food, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, irregular eating patterns, stress, lack of exercise, tight clothes and even some medications can lead to indigestion. While stomach pain is one symptom of indigestion, it could be accompanied by the following: acid regurgitation, nausea, feeling bloated, heartburn, flatulence, etc. Viruses and bacteria, improper cooking, lack of sanitation while cooking, and poor storage of foods, pesticides on the skin of fruits and vegetables are some of the causes for food poisoning, leading to stomach pain. To relieve stomach pain you can chew on a small piece of ginger or even mint leaves. Alternately, drink ginger tea, water with mint essence, tea with chamomile, or other herbal teas with a few drops of blackberry or raspberry essence to alleviate the pain. Another effective drink to cure stomach pain can be prepared as follows: squeeze one fresh lime in a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey to it. Drink one glass after each meal. For immediate relief add a small amount of baking soda to a glass of water and drink it. While stomach pain can be cured, the following tips should help prevent the occurrence of stomach pain: ensure food is stored at the proper temperature; ensure that the cooking vessels and cooking area is clean; wash or peel fruits and vegetables before cooking or eating raw; avoid oily or fried foods; avoid foods with preservatives; drink lots of water; and avoid active sports immediately after eating.

It’s best to rush the person to a doctor if these remedies do not help and the person is still suffering from stomach pain or the pain gets worse and is accompanied by vomiting, fever, or any other pain.

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