Submitted by C D on November 21, 2011 at 05:09
Depression is a very common disease today and affects all age groups. This condition should never be left untreated. Some of the main symptoms of depression include a feeling of restlessness, agitation, irritability and intense fatigue. It can also lead to suicidal tendencies. It is also a condition that can affect you many times in your life and therefore treatment for this condition is would last for a lifetime. Laughter yoga is a form of yoga that helps people to overcome depression and it works on the basic premise of laughter through physical exercise. Laughter is known to be one of the best anti-depressant medications. Laughter yoga helps a person by creating a positive state of mind. This can lead a person to view the world as a great place to live in and thus helps them to achieve happiness and thereby peace. Depression is known to be linked to high stress levels and thereby negative emotions. Thus laughter yoga is a useful tool that helps to counter any negative effects of this stress and thus create a mood of well being. Laughter yoga to fight depression is gaining popularity world wide. Some of the simple yoga poses for depression include the Lotus pose, the Viparita Karani, the calming poses of the Cow and Cat pose among others.
Submitted by S C on September 8, 2011 at 06:16
Teenage depression is not just about occasional feelings of melancholy and bad moods; it is a serious condition that can impact all the facets of a teen’s life. If you are suffering from depression or know of someone with the condition it is necessary that immediate you address the problem on a priority basis. Depression is a condition that could lead to variety of problems in the future and so should be given lots of attention. Problems like self loathing and drug abuse are mainly a result of depression. This could also culminate in suicide. There are various teen depression treatment methods that one can try as a parent or as a teacher or a friend. It is first considered best to recognize the symptoms. One of the other methods that could be used to help a teenager in get over depression includes unconditional support and constant care. One should be gentle with them and try to listen to them with out lecturing. Take them to a doctor to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The doctor will usually first conduct a full medical examination. One can even seek the aid of mental health professional that has a background in treating teens.
Submitted by R J on September 8, 2011 at 06:14
If One Suffered From Depression, Would Yoga Help
The modern day stresses and anxieties can leave you feeling physically and emotionally tired and frustrated. Depression is a common ailment and can make living very hard. There are various ways to fight depression and yoga is one of the most effective ways to do so. Pranayama is one of the yogic tools that help in treating depression while simultaneously improving your overall state of well being. When practicing Pranayama, the first thing you learn is to regulate your breath by deep patterned inhalation and exhalation techniques. This will also help to calm the mind and thus arrive at a better quality of life. This has been known to either entirely eliminate the symptoms of depression or to reduce their persistence. Bikram yoga or hot yoga is another kind of yoga. This form of yoga is practiced in a heated room where the temperature is maintained at a constant 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Bikram yoga is considered to be the most intense form of yoga. It involves doing 2 breathing exercises and 26 postures or asanas which can be quite challenging. This form of yoga can be challenging, invigorating and enjoyable. It has been found to be beneficial in treating depression and other anxiety disorders besides being beneficial for insomnia, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and arthritis.Submitted by V A on September 8, 2011 at 06:11
Is There Any Yoga Or Pranayama That Works Specifically For Depreesion
Submitted by C D on September 8, 2011 at 06:04
Anuloma Viloma pranayama followed by Bhramari and Om Kar chanting followed by few minutes of silence can help you a lot.
Submitted by d on January 8, 2008 at 11:46