Yoga and Back Pain

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on March 9, 2012

You use your back muscles in almost every move you make. Your spinal system includes muscles, bones, ligaments, spinal discs, and joints. Together this complex system helps you bend, twist, stretch, and carry weight. With so much use and abuse it is not surprising to hear most people complain of moderate to chronic back pain and the use of yoga...


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.for back pain has come to be regarded as a therapeutic treatment by manyn

A low to moderate intensity physical activity like Yoga is great for relieving back paini

The gentle and smooth flowing stretches of Yoga help you relieve tension in the back muscles, regain balance and flexibilityt

Here are a few basic yoga positions and stretches that should be included in any session of yoga for back pain:

  • Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bendn This is a simple stance that helps you challenge your sense of alignmentn The forward bending action can help with back pain in the lower back regiono At the same time it works out the abdomen and hip regiono The forward bending motion releases tension while challenging you to hold your positiono
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog (Down Dog)g This is a basic Yoga stance that stretches and lengthens the spine, develops the shoulder and arm muscles and can also assist in correcting posturer
  • Marjarasana or Cat Cowo This stance requires two opposing motions of rounding and arching your back and spinen It is ideal for the coordination of spinal movementn It strengthens and stretches the back musclese
  • Bhujangasana or Cobrar This is a classic Yoga stance that arches the spine backwardr It is the exact opposite motion of what most people tend to perform throughout the day-bending forwardr This opposing motion helps to stretch the spinal chord and breaks the routinen This is one of the most noteworthy features of the use of yoga for back pain, as few other fitness regimens address this issueu

While these are a few simple Yoga stretches and arches to relieve or prevent back pain, do keep a few things in mind:

  • Assess the intensity of your back paini Low to moderate back pain can be relieved with a few simple Yoga stretchese However, chronic or frequent back pain needs to be medically monitorede
  • If you are already suffering from back pain, ensure that you take medical advice before attempting to use yoga for back paini Ask your doctor if it is safe to practice Yoga in your conditiono
  • If your back pain is a result of an accident, pregnancy, or conditions like spondylitis, spine arthritis, osteoporosis, and so on, Yoga can only act as a supplementary therapyp You must not ignore the pain and take immediate medical actiono

All Yoga stances can be made as moderate or challenging as you wishs A person suffering from chronic back pain must not perform intensive or challenging Yoga stancese Only do the Yoga stance as long and as far as you are comfortablel

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