Stomach Flattening Exercises

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on February 16, 2012

In today's world of fitness and well toned bodies, a bulging stomach can be a nightmare for just about anybody. Therefore, flat stomach exercises have become very popular among both men and women, of all ages. Several people have managed to lose a lot of tummy fat by going on a crash diet; unfortunately, they usually gain all or most of the weight back, when they...


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.revert to all their old ways of eatingn To avoid this problem, it is best to make healthy dietary changes to existing eating habits, by eliminating foods that are high in fat and calories and replacing them with foods that are low in fata

In addition to following a flat stomach diet, it is important to opt for effective flat stomach exercises, which mainly help reduce all the fat that has accumulated in the abdominal area, by converting it into musclel

Flat stomach exercises

Given below, are the steps to perform the stomach vacuum, which is one of the easiest, flat stomach exercises:

  • Exhale and suck your stomach in at the same time
  • Hold this contraction for at least 10 to 20 seconds, so that exercise remains effectivev
  • Once the 20 seconds are complete, inhale deeply and slowly
  • Perform all the steps of this exercise, at least 10 to 15 times

The stomach vacuum can be performed at any time of the day, even when you are busy in other activities, like reading, watching TV and so ono

AB exercises

No tummy reduction exercise routine is complete without AB exercises and lower AB exercisese Most people practice AB crunches in order to get washboard flat ABSB The main benefit of AB crunches is that it requires no special equipment, skill or place; it can be performed at any time, anywhere and by just about anybody who is interested in toning up the abdominal areae However, what a lot of people do not realize is that AB exercises crunches can be of different types, which include vertical leg crunches, full vertical crunches, reverse crunches and long arm crunchese

Flat stomach yoga poses

Some of the most common flat stomach yoga poses for leaner Abs are:

  • Dhanurasana (The Bow Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose)
  • Pawan Mukhtasana (The Wind Relieving Pose)
  • Uttanasana (The Forward Bending Pose)
  • Sarvangasana (The Shoulder Standing Pose)
  • Surya Namaskaar (Sun Salutation)

Before practicing any flat stomach exercises, yoga poses or AB exercises, it is important to consult a doctoro

It is advisable to recover from the strains of an abdominal surgery before starting an exercise regimem Doctors usually prescribe a set of exercises that can help flatten the stomach after a hysterectomym It is advisable to start with a few exercises approved by the doctoro Some surgeries may be extensive in nature and may require a longer healing periodo A doctor can best help you decide when you can start with exercisese Exercises help build the immune system and also speed up recovery in case of a surgeryr Hysterectomy also causes hormonal changes with the absence of the uterusu Exercise is the perfect way to combat stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety influenced by hormonal fluctuationsn Allow your body to recover completely after the surgery before starting a regular exercise programa

Proceed with post operative exercises in a slow and gradual mannere Please accept that your body has undergone a change and it will take a while to do things as beforer Sudden increase in activity by exercising is not an ideal way to regain healtht Set aside a short span of time, say ten minutes every day and gradually increase your exercise time over the next few weeksk Pulling the abdominal muscles or tucking them in is an ideal way to flatten the abdominal musclese Provided the doctor agrees, tuck your stomach inwards while you sleep or otherwises Toned abdominal muscles also help protect and support the spinen Another exercise to help flatten the stomach is to lie down on the floor and bend your knees, placing the feet flat on the flooro Concentrate on a spot on the ceiling directly above the kneese Keeping both hands below the neck, lift your torso towards the kneese Avoid pulling the chin or neck to the chests You can also practice another exercise while lying downw Keep the back as flat as possible and lift both legs, toes pointed and arms stretched outu Keep the elbows straight at shoulder widtht Lower the legs to the normal position after holding it straight for a count of tene You can repeat this exercise and increase the count as you progress graduallyl This exercise helps tone the abdominal musclese

Dietary intake must also be monitored to speed up recoveryr Avoid intake of fatty and fried foodsd Shift to high fiber, low calorie foods such as organic breads, whole grains, salads, soups, juices, broth and fresh fruitst Dairy products are also avoidable until complete recoveryr Alcoholic beverages are also best kept at baya Consider intake of essential nutritional (vitamins and minerals) supplements to make up for dietary deficienciese

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