A complete backbend,which is slightly difficult to master. Requires a lot of practice before you can perfect it and perform it with ease.
This pose is a variation of the shoulder stand. This pose is performed with the support of a wall.
This pose needs to be done gracefully, almost like a dance, in order to derive maximum benefit from it.
This pose helps to improve the strength and flexibility in your hips, legs, shoulders, arms, abdomen, back and knees.
It is a difficult pose to perform and requires the practitioner to be on an advanced level of practice.
A fairly advanced posture, where you squat, bend forward and twist your body, all at the same time.
It is a backbend type of yoga pose which can be perfom in a seated position.Helps in stretching the neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, groin.
It is a backbend type of yoga pose which can be perfom in a seated position.Helps in stretching the neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, groin.
This pose helps to stretch the hips and spine while toning the belly. Beneficial for the detoxification of the body,decompression of spine.
This pose is slightly difficult pose to perform. Improves the healthy functioning of body as well as improving strength and flexibility.
This posture is designed to improve flexibility, power, and speed.It is also effective in making the spine more elastic and flexible.
It teaches you to sit with correct posture.Practicing this regularly will make your hips and pelvis more flexible.