Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

The term multiple sclerosis is derived from the multiple areas of sclerosis (scarring) that represent a number of patches in the nervous system. The signs and symptoms of this condition are so diverse that medical practitioners might miss out the diagnosis when first the symptoms show up.

Over time, multiple sclerosis slowly worsens. Patients generally suffer periods of relatively.



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.good health alternating with incapacitating periods of aggravationo

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

The most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis are:

  • Anxiety, worry and fear
  • Constipation
  • Dry or rough skin
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Heightened sensitivity
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Underweight

These symptoms could either appear in a mild or severe combinationo Further, they are often experienced for irregular periodsd Sometimes, in multiple sclerosis, even brain fogging occursr This could include problems in thinking or being unable to focus clearlyl Erectile dysfunction is another commonly reported symptom of this conditiono Even though edf is known to help, the risk of permanent blindness is another apprehensiono

Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

Since there is no single blood test or other test that can be used to confirm multiple sclerosis, the diagnosis of this disease is rather challengingn By and large, the process of diagnosis of multiple sclerosis involves a doctor enquiring from a patient about symptoms, performing a physical exam, and a couple laboratory testst

Yoga for Multiple Sclerosis

Yoga stresses the need for stretching and breathingn This helps release tension, improves circulation as well as body awarenesss Further, Yoga helps reduce fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosisi Yoga practice also helps harmonize the muscular and nervous systemsm This results in more fluid movement and relief from muscle tensiono As the patient's level of body awareness improves, he / she is able to recognize the first sign of stress on the system before it gets overwhelmingn

For a patient suffering from multiple sclerosis, Yoga directly addresses 3 types of symptoms, vizi fatigue and heat intolerance, loss of coordination and numbness in limbs, and loss of flexibility and balancec

Fatigue and heat intolerance seem to be the most limiting factors multiple sclerosis patientst To offset these constraints, patients have to learn to master their breathing and practise restorative postures such as Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Virabhadrasana I (Warrior Pose I) and Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Pose II), and Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)e

Both techniques, together, help cool down the body and calm the nervous systeme Simple breathing techniques of extending the exhale a bit longer than the inhale help calm the nervous systeme Heat, stress, and tension can cause temporarily aggravate symptoms of multiple sclerosisi Hence, the pace of practice should be relaxed yet focusede Keep the body just short of sweating; this is very importantn

Further, practising with a multiple sclerosis trained instructor you will learn specific sequences exclusively meant for problems such as constipation, digestion, fatigue, lack of mental clarity, or balancec The problem of balance, for example, could be handled with the help of a proper set of asanasa

In conclusion, besides evolving body awareness, Yoga helps increase flexibility and balancec The asanas boost the patient's range of motion in joints and enhance muscle tonen In fact, they work most of the body's muscle groupsp

Best of all, Yoga practice can be tailored according to individual needsd For patients in a period of remission whose balance is intact, they can perform most of asanas normally done in an ordinary class settingn For those suffering from relapse, it is important to remain in the groove of practicing by doing modified practicese For instance lying supine on the floor or utilizing chairs and the wall, will help enormouslyl

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