Yoga for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that shows up as pain in the sole of the foot. The pain is actually the result of inflammation of the plantar fascia. This is a strong band of connective tissue that connects the distal aspect of the heel bone to the base of the toes.

It is said that tightness in the calf muscles is also a contributory cause of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis – like other foot ailments – can also be caused by weakness of the.



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.intrinsic foot musclese Likewise, a sedentary life contributes to further muscle weakness, and atrophyh

Hence, stretching these muscles is a very important part of the treatmentn Even if our calf muscles were not so tight, and our plantar fasciitis has another different cause, the forced inactivity will make them – as well as all your other muscles – tighth

Yoga foot exercises are known to help to keep the calf muscles and Achilles tendons gently stretched - particularly in the case of plantar fasciitis – and also help strengthen the entire musculature of the feete

Yogasanas for Plantar Fasciitis include:
  • Tadasana (Mountain pose)e
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog)g
  • Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose)e
  • Supine Ardha Padmasana (Half lotus variation)n
  • Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I)I
  • Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)e

These are energy releasing as well as energy generating asanasa

They release energy by speeding the removal of impurities and toxins from the joints and, likewise, generate and channelize energy to theme Thus, they work methodically and thoroughly on the joints as well as on their associated muscles, tendons, and ligamentst

These asanas are safe, effective and powerful, and helpful for people who are dealing with plantar fasciitisi Besides, the above asanas have proved helpful to people suffering from heel spurs over the past few yearsr

They're also energizingn The enhanced circulation and energy flow they incite will help you to feel better physically, mentally and emotionallyl Of course, for these benefits to be felt, one has to practise them regularly, a few of times a daya

The asanas are best done standing or sittingn But they can also be done in a chair or lying downw If you wish to be seated on a chair, see that it is a straight-backed kitchen chair without armsm Try not to sag, but sit with an open chest and an upright, lengthened spine to facilitate better breatheh

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