Natural Hair Removal Methods

By Patricia | August 27, 2009

The hair removal methods that you have mentioned are some of the most popular ones that are used for hair removal. In addition to these, there are also other methods like sugaring and threading. Both of these are ancient hair removal techniques and are gaining more acceptance now because they do not contain chemicals.

Hair Removal Bleaching

Deciding what method to use to remove hair mostly depends on the consistency of the hair in question. On the upper lip, the hair is a finer type of hair than in other parts of the body. Therefore, this does not require a very aggressive method of hair removal like plucking, and methods like waxing, threading and sugaring usually suffice. All of these methods aim to remove hair by mechanically pulling it straight out from the roots. While this is not permanent, it is a measure that can keep hair away for at least a few weeks before hair follicles start sprouting up again. As a matter of fact, continuous hair removal from the roots like threading, waxing and sugaring, over the long run, can ensure that hair stops growing altogether. It must be mentioned here that bleaching is not a hair removal technique and is only a mask. Bleaching a hair follicle removes the pigment from the hair that makes it relatively transparent and therefore gives one the appearance that it does not exist. This is probably only effective from a distance and anyone seeing you against the light would notice a lot a hair that would otherwise escape notice. At this point, it is also worth exploring chemical epilators if you are not too queasy about the burning sensation that follows its application; however, you must ensure that you are not allergic to the chemicals by doing a spot test for irritation first.

Permanent Hair Removal - Sugaring And Waxing

Sugaring or waxing would score out as some of the best ways to remove facial hair, since they can be done at home. Threading loses out because it is something that requires a certain amount of expertise and has to be done on you. Sugaring and waxing differ only in the chemicals used. Wax uses chemicals while sugaring uses sugar and orange juice. You have to heat sugar syrup and orange juice until it reaches a consistency like thick oil. Then apply it to the facial hair and cover it with a porous cloth. Then, as you would remove a bandage, pull the cloth off to reveal a hair free face.

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