Home Remedies for Treating Chest Congestion

By Patricia | May 26, 2009

Chest congestion, as you described it, is medically called an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. This is knows as bronchitis, if it is indeed this very area that is inflamed. An inflammation is the reason why mucus accumulates in that area and this is why your chest is congested. Treatment is simple but requires a dual effort of home remedies and regular medicine.

Inflammation is a part of the body’s immune response to an infection, a foreign body or even an allergy. The process begins when the body’s immune system signals to a bunch of cells in the body called mast cells. These mast cells then secrete a substance called Histamine. Histamine then prompts the cells of the surrounding tissue to swell up and produce mucus to prevent further damage It also expands the blood vessels so that white blood cells can reach the capillaries for attacking the pathogens. This is exactly what has happened in your case. It would be advisable to consult your doctor who may recommend prescribed antibiotics if the infection is severe.. To solve the immediate problem of congestion, you should get anti-histamine that contains diphenhydramine. This is very effective and should stop the congestion. In addition to this there are some home remedies that you should use that are a combination of traditional anti-inflammatories and practices to dislodge mucous.

One of the treatments that you can take is ginger. This is a very important herb that is used in traditional medicines to treat respiratory infections. This can be added to a tea by adding dried ginger to boiling water and tea leaves and drunk three times a day. Ginger works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Additionally, you should also start eating more spicy food. Spicy foods that contain chili, garlic and ginger paste has the effect of decongesting. This is the reason why you get a runny nose and a cough after eating it. Finally, a steam treatment is the most effective direct therapy against respiratory congestion. In boiling water, add some menthol, cover your head with a towel so that the vessel of water and your head are connected in a funnel-like mechanism and breathe in deeply. This dislodges any mucus still left in your lungs immediately. In addition to this get adequate sleep and stay away from polluted environments. Being in a polluted environment in the middle of a respiratory infection will only cause a relapse and perhaps even a recurrence of infection.

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