Causes & Remedies For Intestinal Or Gastric Bloating Problems

By Patricia | August 14, 2009

Intestinal or abdominal bloating is a result of excessive gases in the stomach. And, the stomach releases these gases in the form of burping or belching. The abdomen swells up when we swallow air while eating or drinking. Also, foods like broccoli, beans, cabbage, lentils, bananas, onions, sprouts, prunes, and apricots that are not easily digested by the stomach cause belching and bloating. Other than that, carbonated drinks like colas, beer and champagne are also the main culprits of intestinal gas. All these food items should be avoided to prevent gases from forming in the stomach. Habits like overeating, eating too fast, and not chewing your food properly that also causes the accumulation of gases in the stomach. To avoid belching and bloating, one should eat small meals and eat slowly. Sufferers of chronic belching should avoid the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, dairy products and fatty foods. Including fibrous foods like fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily diet keeps gastric problems in check. Also, one shouldn’t lie down for at least two hours after eating. A short walk after meals also helps in digestion and releasing the gases. Other than these faulty habits and foods, stress is also known to cause digestive and abdominal problems. So, some form of regular exercise like walking, jogging, or swimming promotes digestion and also keeps stress at bay. One also tends to swallow small amounts of air while chewing gum, resulting in bloating. So chewing gums should also be avoided as much as possible if you have a chronic belching problem.

All the above-mentioned tips will prevent gases from forming in the stomach and also benefit if already suffering from gastric troubles. There are also some remedies one can try to treat intestinal bloating and belching. Consuming peppermint is beneficial in curing your gastric problem. You can also have a broth of rice, prepared by boiling a cup of rice with two cups of water till the liquid turns milky. Other than these, you can chew a teaspoon of carom seeds and fennel seeds after your meals to avoid bloating. Spices like ginger and garlic are also very effective in treating gastric problems. You can garnish your food with them or chew them to promote digestion and also prevent bloating and belching. For better results, soak small pieces of ginger in lemon juice and chew these after your meals. Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and drink the liquid on an empty stomach in the morning. This will cure the belching and bloating problem.

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