Basic Yoga
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training Programs
The routines in yoga progress from easy to difficult and therefore one needs to practice these everyday in order to be well versed with it. In order to become a yoga teacher you need to achieve a certain level in this practice.
This is because as a teacher you are given the responsibility to guide another person through the various poses and asanas that can be performed.
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This includes proper guidance when it comes to breathing right or stretching correctly as also the extent to which a person can go. Anyone would be able to do most of the yoga poses through years of regular practice; however it is necessary to go through a yoga teacher training process in order to become a certified yoga teacher. The teacher training is useful to deepen your own practice of yoga along with teaching you how to pass on that knowledge. Curriculum, duration and intensity can vary on many different factors including what kind of yoga, how long, which level, with what intensity and of course, how popular yoga is.
Yoga Teacher Training Online
You can find a lot of information online for yoga teacher training. There are specialized schools and camps that conduct effective and rigorous courses in yoga for those who want to get into yoga training. Some certify for basic courses while other longer training programs certify to teach an advanced level of yoga. The offline ones are usually situated in small towns, away from cities, which also aid the practice of yoga. If you are not always able to get away for long periods to train for being a yoga teacher, you could even switch to online schools. These schools teach and certify different levels and without the inconvenience of moving base.
Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
Specialized yoga has specialized training.
One such type is hatha yoga teacher training. Hatha yoga is the base yoga for many specialized yoga schools. Such schools usually, provide individual certification depending on the alterations and individual specifications. There isn’t any one kind of hatha yoga so there is no one school which has definitive teacher training for hatha yoga.
Bikram Yoga Teacher Training
Bikram yoga is another very specific and very popular form of yoga. This is also called as hot yoga. The Bikram yoga teacher training is very specific and usually done by schools and institutions that have a tie-up with the original school of Bikram yoga opened in the United States of America. Sometimes some schools require that you have practiced that form of yoga for some amount of time before registering to for teacher certification. Since Bikram yoga is so tied to the studio, often having practiced bikram yoga sufficiently for a fixed amount time may be also be considered instructor training. Bikram yoga is quite strict about its certification, unlike most other schools of yoga. In this form of yoga, and others, there is also a certification which is like a refresher course.
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