Yoga and figure

(November 2, 2011)

How to improve figure with yoga

Which Yoga Asanas Are Best For A Good Figure?

Many people are now turning to yoga poses for a good figure. Yoga has myriad benefits and one of them is to keep fit, lose weight and also maintain the weight loss. However, two points should be kept in mind before practicing any yoga poses for a good figure. The first point is that you should consult your health care practitioner before starting out any yoga to improve a figure. The second is that yoga poses for a good figure should be practiced under the guidance of a trained yoga therapist. There are many types of yoga exercises for a good figure. You can choose from the various types of yoga exercises as well. Recommended forms of yoga for a good figure include Iyengar yoga, Hatha yoga, Ashtanga or Power yoga, Kundalini yoga and Bikram yoga. The different yoga poses for a good figure stretches all parts of your body and therefore burns more calories. However, practicing yoga poses for a good figure alone will not help you to get a great figure. Bear in mind that a healthy diet should be followed as well. Only then will you see the benefits of the yoga poses. Also remember that yoga does not give instant results. It will take time before you get into the shape you desire.

Submitted by s s on November 2, 2011 at 02:12

What Diet Along With Yoga Is Effective For An Attractive Figure?

A good figure diet or a healthy diet for a good figure should be followed if you are to maintain the weight you have succeeded in losing. A good figure diet is a must and should be coupled with any exercise program that you undertake for getting back into shape. Keep in mind that a good figure diet is not a complicated diet to follow. If you wish to lose weight, you will have to burn off more calories than you eat. A good figure diet should be a nutritious one and have a lower calorie count. Remember that a good figure diet does not cut down on any foods or encourage eating only one food group. The key is to eat in moderation. It is also necessary to increase the amount of physical activity that you are currently doing. Yoga is an effective form of exercise that helps you to attain a good figure.  Yoga positions for a good figure include Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Udhitta Padasana (Raised Leg Pose) and so on.

Other exercises for a good body include cardio workouts such as running, swimming, cycling, jogging. Cardio exercises are recommended as they increase the heart rate, and raise metabolism which stimulates weight loss.

Submitted by G M on November 2, 2011 at 02:06

Yoga Or Pilates: Which One Is Good For Maintaining Figure?


There are many yoga asanas that one can practice for a good figure. One of the more popular yoga asanas for a good figure is Trikanasana (Triangle Pose).  This yoga posture works on every muscle in your body – right from your arms all the way down to your legs. This yoga posture has been known to help people with weight loss. Ashtanga yoga asanas for a good figure are beneficial as well. Ashtanga yoga is a style of yoga which has dynamic movements and also has flowing transitions between postures. Power or Ashtanga yoga is an aerobic form of yoga. This form of yoga is considered as good isometric body weight training as well as a good cardio workout as well. Practicing Ashtanga yoga asanas for a good figure helps to tone the muscles and results a lean and toned look.

You may be wondering which the better option for obtaining a good figure is. Do you choose yoga or Pilates for a good body figure? This is a matter of personal choice as each form of exercise has its own benefits. Yoga focuses on both mind and body whereas Pilates concentrates more on strengthening the body than the mind.

Submitted by A V on November 2, 2011 at 01:50

Can You Suggest Some Steps Of Yoga That's Good To Have A Nice Figure?

People the world over are now turning to yoga for a good figure. Yoga is a very popular form of exercise and it is perhaps the best way to keep fit and also maintain one’s figure. Experts feel that a yoga routine for a good figure should include exercises from the various types of yoga, such as Kundalini yoga, Bikram yoga and Iyengar yoga. It is recommended practicing yoga for the best figure under the guidance of a trained individual.

Yoga tips for a good figure include the fact that one should try and follow a yogic diet as well. Remember that while practicing yoga for a good figure will help you to lose weight and maintain it, it is also necessary to follow a healthy diet and eat the right food. Otherwise, your yoga routine for a good figure will be in vain. The yogic diet is a vegetarian diet that one must follow. Other tips include the fact that you must consult your physician before trying out any yoga poses for a good figure. Be steady with your yoga sessions. This is essential if you wish to obtain results. Some of the yoga poses you can practice include Virabhadra I (Warrior I) and Balasana (Child’s Pose).

Submitted by A on November 2, 2011 at 01:45

For this, first and foremost you will have to do plenty of warm-up exercises and several rounds of Surya Namaskar. Then make it a point to do all the Yoga poses in this sequence:

1. Standing Postures

2. Sitting Postures

3. Supine Postures

4. Prone Postures

5. Inverted Postures

6. Balancing Postures

Pay special attention to Twists in all the above postures such as Parivritta Trikonasana, Marichyasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana etc.

Also follow a Yoga Diet as far as possible. All these details you will easily find in this website itself if you search for them in the search box. You are bound to attain the figure you wish. All the best

Submitted by A on August 2, 2007 at 06:07

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