Yoga Sequence

(August 25, 2011)

Which yoga pose should be practiced first after sun salutation? Hand stand, head stand or shoulder stand?

Yoga Sequence

Yoga is known to be most effective if it is performed in the correct sequence and the poses are practiced in the right manner. Typically before a vigorous yoga pose such as the sun salutation one should  start with light stretching and then move on to an  expanded  routine involving various yoga poses such as the pelvic tilts, cat cow stretches, sun salutations, standing balances sequence, standing yoga poses sequence, inversions sequence and seated hip stretches sequence which are safe and simple to be practiced by beginners as well as intermediate yoga students. Ideally one should finish their yoga workout with the corpse pose or the shavasana which helps the body to absorb the benefits of the yoga practice and also help the individual to feel relaxed and refreshed to go through the rest of the day. One may also use the various props available to help them make the corpse pose even more relaxing and comfortable.

Submitted by S C on August 25, 2011 at 05:34

How To Do Yoga Sequences?

There are about 84 yoga poses but a beginner need not attempt to do all of them. Likewise, there are several yoga breathing styles and yoga styles which can make it all the more confusing when planning a yoga sequence. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you wish to know how to do a yoga sequence. A sequence of one hour is usually sufficient, however, if you can spare the time, you can practice for about an hour and a half. The best time to practice yoga is early in the morning and on an empty stomach. Ensure that you set aside the same time each day to practice. Choose an open space with plenty of fresh air to do your daily practice. Do remember that as with other forms of exercise, a warm up is necessary before you actually start practicing the various positions. Some  important points to take into consideration while doing a yoga sequence are factors such as the level of flexibility, physical limitations, age and so on. Easy postures are recommended for beginners while more advanced yoga students can include the harder yoga postures.  Once you establish a sequence you will benefit as you will get a complete mind and body workout.

Submitted by s s on July 19, 2011 at 01:04

I Want To Start My Days With Yoga. Where Can I Learn The Morning Yoga Sequences?

Starting your day off with yoga is recommended as it is considered one of the best times to practice yoga. It is believed that practicing yoga early in the morning, before eating helps you to achieve the best results. There are various yoga classes where you can learn yoga in the morning and thereby learn about morning yoga sequences. These can be viewed online. Once you feel comfortable about the various yoga positions you can follow the yoga sequence.

Some tips to keep in mind while doing a yoga sequence are as follows:

  • You should perform the yoga sequence for about 35-40 minutes daily.
  • Practice your yoga in an open area – one that is preferably spacious, quiet and has plenty of fresh air circulating.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing so that you can perform the exercises freely and properly.
  • Start off with the poses that you like the most. You will then start to enjoy your yoga sequence and it will be of benefit to you.
  • It is important to remember that different poses have different types of energies. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), standing poses and backbends are considered poses that should be part of a morning sequence as these are strong stimulating poses.

Submitted by V A on July 19, 2011 at 01:01

Does Anybody Know Any Good Yoga Sequences/Workouts That I Can Help Me To Increase My Height And Lose My Weight?

Yoga exercises can help one to reduce weight and also help one to increase height as well. There are many ways by which you can naturally increase your height and lose excess weight, and yoga is just one of them. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that involves breathing control and stretching. There are many yoga asanas or postures that help to stretch the backbone and the result is a better posture. The right posture can help a person to look taller. Do keep in mind however, that yoga will not help you to grow taller. What yoga can do however is to stretch the spine and straighten it. This will improve your posture.

Some of the recommended yoga exercises to increase height include: Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Sukhasana ( Easy Pose), Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose), Chakrasana ( Wheel Pose),  Tadasana ( Mountain Pose) and so on. There are also different positions for weight loss. These are Pavanamuktasana ( Wind Relieving Pose), Ardha Chandrasana ( Half Moon Pose), Utthita Parsvakonasana ( Extended Side Angle Pose), Purna Titali Asana ( Butterfly Pose), Ustrasana ( Camel Pose) and so on.

However, as with any exercise routine, it is recommended that you contact your doctor and get his approval before practicing any of the above poses.

Submitted by s s on July 18, 2011 at 11:46

What Are Some Good Yoga Stretches?

More and more people are turning to yoga due to its myriad benefits. It is a well known fact that the regular practice of yoga promotes healing of both the mind and body. Yoga offers several advantages, among them are stress relief, improved flexibility, better concentration, more strength, a better posture and so on. If you are planning to start a yoga exercise routine, keep in mind that yoga is more than just a set of physical exercises to be practiced daily. Yoga exercises are different from other physical exercises as they also focus on breath control, the position of the body, control of the mind, rhythm and so on. Some good yoga stretches are as follows:-

  • Balasana ( Child Pose) – stretches and relaxes the spine, back, hips and thighs
  • Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose)- targets the lower back, abdomen, spine, lungs and chest
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose) - strengthens the calves, arms, thighs and spine.
  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) – targets the neck, shoulders, lungs, chest and spine.
  • Navasana (Boat Pose) - strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles.
  • Padmasana (Lotus Pose) - stimulates the pelvis, abdomen and spine. It stretches the knees and the ankles.
  • Matsyasana (Fish Pose) – targets the neck, chest muscles and upper back.

Submitted by R J on July 18, 2011 at 11:38

Yoga Morning Sequence

If you are new to yoga, you might be wondering which yoga pose should be practiced first after Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). Is it the Sirasana (Headstand), or Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand) or Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)?  Most yoga classes start with the Sun Salutation. This exercise in yoga forms part of the warm up and is known for its 12 flowing positions that stretches the body forwards and backwards. The yoga sequence followed should be based on the sequence that the instructor has laid out.

This is even more the case if you are a beginner. If you have been practicing yoga for several years and are comfortable with most of the yoga positions, you can opt to make your own sequence for a yoga workout. Some yoga styles incorporate the Sun Salutation into their standard routine while others choose to go along with the more traditional poses. Some other styles of yoga have no sequence of poses at all. The yoga sequence you choose depends on the style of yoga that you opt for.  You could practice the Headstand after the Sun Salutation, followed by the Shoulder Stand, the Hand Stand and then any other exercises you wish to incorporate into your sequence.

Submitted by A on July 18, 2011 at 06:30

Whenever yoga sequence is carried out, it starts with the stretches. This sequence further proceeds towards the sun salutation followed by standing yoga sequences and standing balance sequence. This balance sequence is followed by inversion sequence that consists of head stand pose and shoulder stand pose.

For a proper yoga experience a proper sequence needs to be carried out that can provide better benefits and all the poses can be done in a systemic manner.

The sequence starts with quick everyday routine which lasts for 10 to 20 minutes.

It includes Daily stretches especially for beginners which involve pelvic tilts, cat cow stretches, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog pose), Lunge, Eka Pada Rajkapotasana (pigeon pose), Savasana (Corpse pose). There are yoga stretches that are done at our desk. This includes neck rolls, cat cow stretch, eagle arms, seated spinal twist, and standing pigeon.

Other extensive routines are done for 30 to 45 minutes. This sequence involves pelvic tilts, cat cow stretches, sun salutations or moon salutations. This is followed by standing yoga poses sequences like Adho Mukha Svanasana (down ward facing dog), lunge, Virabhadrasana(Warrior Pose), Chandrasana(Moon pose). This is followed by standing balance sequence like Utkatasana (Chair pose), Garuda asana (Eagle pose), Vakrasana (Twist Posture), Natrajasana (dancer pose).This is followed by inversion sequences. This includes head stand, Halasana (Plow pose), Shoulder stand, Salamba sarvangasana (supported shoulder stand) , Matsyasana (Fish pose). There are seated hip stretch sequences. This includes Baddha Konasana (Cobbler's Pose), Gomukhasana (Cow face pose), Janu Sirsasana (Head to knee pose).

There are certain series followed in yoga which is necessary for maintaining the back health, ab sequences, hip work which is necessary for a flexible back.

Thus head stand and shoulder stand are part of inversion sequence. This inversion sequence starts with headstand (Salamba Sirsasana). Place the hands and feet in a table top position. Place the elbows in front of you and interlock the fingers of both the hands. Place the crown of the head into the interlocked fingers. Raise the hips without bending the knees. Bring the legs towards the chest by walking little steps. Kick one leg upwards and then the other leg. Raise your legs upwards. Press down into the forearms and remain in this position for few seconds. After head stand, lie on your back and do plow pose.

From Plow pose, bend the elbows and place it on the back Keep a distance between the two shoulder elbows. Lift the legs up towards the ceiling. Keep the legs as straight as possible. Move the hands on the back and towards the shoulder. Bring the feet back to plow pose. This type of inversion pose is called as Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand pose).

Submitted by R J on August 17, 2008 at 11:09

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