Yoga for Cervical Spondylitis

(November 9, 2010)

What are some of the yoga exercises for cervical spondylitis?

Cervical spondylosis is a condition in which there is a degeneration of the cervical spine. This condition usually occurs with age, and many symptoms, both distinct and overlapping can be seen. The symptoms of this condition will depend on the nerves that are affected, and this can range from a tingling sensation in the shoulders and arms to numbness in the legs. However, the most often there will be stiffness at the neck’s base. Practicing yoga for cervical spondylosis will help relax the muscles and release stress in these areas.  
Some of the effective yoga postures for cervical spondylosis are Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), and Salabhasana (Locust Pose). The postures like Bhujangasana and Salabhasana in which the heads weight is lifted against the force of gravity is very beneficial for strengthening the back and neck muscles. However, when you are performing these postures, you should make sure that your shoulder blades are pulled away from your ears and the back of your neck is not compressed. It is important that you practice the Sarvangasana under the guidance of a qualified instructor who has experience with individuals with cervical spondylosis. This is because if it is performed incorrectly the problem can become worse.
You could also practice some exercises for cervical spondylosis like half-circles, shoulder moves, and chest expanders. Cervical radiculopathy occurs due to an injury close to the nerves root within the cervical region. This can cause loss of function, weakness, and pain in the toes, feet, arms, legs, and shoulders. In order to treat this condition, you should practice the yoga for cervical radiculopathy along with some exercises like lumbar stretch, knee stretch, and wall stretch.
When practicing the yoga postures for the cervical spine, it is essential that you take certain precautions to avoid injury. When performing the Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), you should avoid turning your head right or left. This will prevent injury to the C7 vertebra and the supporting tendons and ligaments. The C7 vertebra is most vulnerable during the Sarvangasana, Halasana (Plow Pose), and Setu Bandhasana. Therefore, it is vital that you make use of props and blankets to avoid letting the cervical vertebrae grind onto the floor. If you suffer from spinal stenosis, you should wait till the pain recedes before taking on the yoga postures for spinal stenosis. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) are effective yoga postures for spinal stenosis. However, if you experience pain with any of the poses you should stop immediately.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 06:15

Cervical spondylitis is the issue concerned with the inflammation of the joints of the vertebral column. It causes intense back and neck pain and the onset of the pain is general while it becomes acute day by day. Yoga helps in the reduction of the pain in the back region and the neck movement exercises helps to restore the normal condition of the body.

The pain in the cervical spondylitis can spread to the shoulders and hence all the breath exercises of the yoga can help to restore the balance of the body and helps to relieve the body from the pain caused due to cervical spondylitis. Different postures of yoga and asanas like padmasana (lotus pose yoga) which helps to stretch the back and hold it upright helps to provide comfort to the back of the individual.

It is essential to know the chief cause of the ailment before undertaking the treatment with the help of the asanas. Various asanas like chakrasana wheel pose yoga) and ardh chakrasana (half wheel yoga) helps to provide normal tender stretch to the back which helps to provide comfort to the patient suffering from the pain due to cervical spondylitis. The support of high pillow at night and sleeping in a comfortable position also helps to provide supportive treatment to the body. Excessive strain on the body should be avoided while one suffers from the trauma.

Various asanas which can be employed for cervical spondylitis include vrajasana (thunderbolt pose), vriksha asana (tree pose), pavanmuktasana (free air pose), makrasana (crocodile pose), dhanurasana (bow pose), bhujangasana (cobra pose) and surya namaskar (sun salutation).

Pranayam on regular basis too helps to obtain the desired results for the ailment of cervical spondylitis. Various breath exercises which involve breath hold for longer duration of time, provides strength to the back and the shoulders. It also serves as a natural treatment for cervical spondylitis.

Cervical spondylitis is the most common ailment in the young generation due to lack of physical exercise in the human body. The back muscles when become weak they are not able to hold the discs of the vertebral column which provides strain on the nerves which causes pain in the shoulder and the back of the human body.

Yoga nidra helps to strengthen the muscles of the back and these asanas help to restore the firmness of the muscles and provides new zeal to the body. The breathing exercises involved in yoga also help to provide strength and energy to muscles to carry on various activities of life.

Submitted by R J on August 1, 2008 at 08:17

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