Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 04:52
How to do yoga exercises or how to do yoga is an often asked question. Along with these are how to do yoga positions correctly, how to do yoga weight loss and how to do yoga therapy. All these questions can be answered quite simply. Yoga can be done by all age groups and can help one to feel better both in body and in mind. Doing yoga helps one to improve their overall physical well being and to tone one’s muscles. Yoga helps one to become more flexible and also stronger. When starting off to do yoga first and foremost one should seek medical recommendation to ensure that one is not suffering from any heart ailments or is not pregnant. Yoga is a great way to reduce stress and also to lose weight. Beginners can try doing yoga with the help of a yoga expert or by getting the required information from a dedicated yoga site or yoga book. One must also make sure at the same time that they eat properly and also that they perfect the yoga position. Yoga involves a regulated and controlled breathing pattern. There is a stipulated resting period that one has to observe in between each pose. When starting off with the yoga exercises one should ensure that they always start with the warming up sequence. The first yoga pose one can start with optionally is the sukhasana. This involves the person sitting on the ground in the cross legged position. They should then proceed to place their hands on their knees. This position requires one to concentrate on their breathing. Besides controlling one’s breathing, this is a good way to tone one’s hips and also to tone one’s lower back. Another useful pose is the trikonasana or the triangle position. These positions are easy to do and do not put too much of a strain on the person. For this position one should first place their feet about 3 to 4 feet apart. Then turn the right foot to the 90 degrees angle. Next one should move the left foot to the 45 degree angle. Start by raising both one’s hands and keeping them parallel to the ground. Then slowly lower the left hand to the left leg. This position can be repeated a few times. One can even start by doing the sun salutation or the surya Namaskar or by doing some neck exercises and shoulder lifts.
Submitted by A on September 14, 2010 at 02:13
Yoga Poses Tips
If you are starting yoga don't jump to do the advanced poses directly, you will definitely find them difficult to do. Start with our beginner yoga poses. But once you start doing the different poses you will begin to find them much simpler. First start with all the beginner level and learn to do all the pose correctly because these beginning poses form the building blocks of yoga and you will need to get back to them again and again. In the intermediate level the basic poses are refined further and its difficult variations are introduced. In this level the body tends to become stronger and flexible. This strength and flexibility is required to do all the advanced poses because the level of difficulty increases in advanced pose. Do not rush in to any difficult pose as this can lead to many injuries and lack of interest because of the difficulty. You have a life time to learn yoga, be goal oriented and explore each pose thoroughly. One of the greatest lessons of yoga is to learn to work at your own level and listen to your body tone.
Submitted by S M on June 17, 2008 at 07:48