Breathing exercises

(August 8, 2008)

Hi, I have vertigo and some times I feel hard to breathe, but not sure what type of vertigo it is, what kind of pranayama can I do? please advise me.

Vertigo is a disease causing dizziness where the individual feels the sensation of the spin movement of all the bodily organs. It can be compared with the feeling one gets while one sits in a roller coaster.

If the cause of the vertigo is known then one can better identify which postures of yoga would suit well for the treatment of the disease. Body balance is achieved with proper functioning of the nervous system. The nerves are spread in the body like a labyrinth and any malfunctioning of the nervous system may cause dizziness in the individual. Brain and the spinal cord are the chief organs of the nervous system. Any harm to the brain or the spinal cord causes dizziness or vertigo and the patient becomes inactive.

Motion sickness may also be caused if the functioning of the nervous system is not proper. If the flow of the blood is not proper in all the areas of the brain then one can feel dizziness and become lazy in carrying out the routine activities with great enthusiasm.

It may also be caused if one is suffering from heart troubles. Yoga exercises can help greatly in the treatment of wide variety of heart ailments. Yoga helps to restore adequate cardiac functions and helps to recover from a wide variety of ailments. Yoga can stimulate the nervous system and curb dizziness. It also increases the rate of metabolism in the human body. Certain asanas of yoga like Malasana (Garland Pose) and sirsasana (head stand) help in better circulation of blood in the brain region. Halasana is another asana of yoga which helps in the increase in the activity of the back and the limbs.

Of all the asanas of Yoga, Pranayam asana is highly recommended asana of yoga. Alternate nostril breathing can also help in the treatment of vertigo. Nostril breathing can increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain and other organs of the body which also increases the concentration of the individual in their work and increase the rate of metabolism in the body.

Savasana (dead corpse poses) also works wonders as it helps the body to rest completely and free itself from the negative thoughts troubling the mind. The body can be rejuvenated while at rest and complete rest can repair the damage caused due to constant wear and tear of the body parts. Paschimottasana (Back stretch) is also recommended asana for the vertigo and decreased concentration in the daily activities.

Submitted by R J on August 8, 2008 at 07:16

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