Information on yoga exercise

(September 28, 2011)

whan you try to touch your toes with out bending your knees what musle are you exercising? thankyou

Toe Touch Exercises

One of the best toe touch exercises in yoga is the Padahastasana which is also known as the standing forward bend pose. In this asana an individual is required to stand straight with his hands stretched out overhead and then exhale and bend from the hips till his hands touch the toes. The knees have to be kept straight while performing this asana. This toe touch exercise is very good for toning the abdominal organs and also helps treat problems like indigestion, constipation, bloating and other stomach issues. Circulation within the body is improved and even the back muscles are strengthened by performing this asana regularly.

Another one of the beneficial toe touch stretches in yoga is the Paschimottanasana also known as the seated forward bend pose. In this asana an individual is required to touch his toes without bending his knees in a sitting position. This asana is very good for stretching out the spine and increasing its flexibility. It is also beneficial for the hamstring muscles in the legs and the abdominal organs. Paschimottanasana is a good posture for relieving sciatica and digestive problems and also for improving concentration and relaxing the mind. These toe touch exercises should be performed everyday in order to achieve good results.

One of the most effective yoga exercises for abdominal muscles is the Naukasana (boat pose). In this asana the person needs to lie on the stomach with his hands by his side. Then the head, neck, arms, chest and trunk need to be lifted off the ground balancing only on the abdomen in a boat like form. This exercise is very good for strengthening the muscles in the abdomen, back, neck, shoulders and lower limbs. It also increases the flexibility of the spine and corrects abnormal spinal curvature. One of the best abdominal exercises in yoga is the Bakasana (crow pose). Although this posture is difficult compared to some of the other simple yoga postures, it is very effective in building stronger abdominal muscles. In this asana the entire weight of the body rests on the arms, especially the wrists. The rest of the body is in a crouched position with the legs squeezed into the upper arms and suspended in the air. This asana not only strengthens the abdominal muscles but also the wrists and arms. It also helps in toning the abdominal muscles. It is safer to perform this difficult asana with professional assistance to avoid accidents and injuries.  

Submitted by A on September 28, 2011 at 06:12

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