Asanas for stammer

(September 5, 2010)

sir/mam i have a stammer problem.which yoga help me to stop my stammer.

Stammering or stuttering refers to a speech impediment that many individuals experience. Individuals who stammer tend to prolong syllables and words or repeat them. Sometimes the individual also does not make any sound for certain syllables. Stress and anxiety tends to aggravate stammering. Individuals may also begin to stutter when they feel self-conscious. The problem seem to ease when tension is alleviated, making the idea of using yoga for stammering a very interesting and plausible one.
Many people perform yoga for stammering since yoga postures help to balance the mental and emotional levels of a person. Mediation and focusing on breathing helps to relax the body and mind. Since stress and anxiety are the biggest impediments to normalcy here, the use of yoga for stammering does help significantly. Individuals who stammer may experience considerable stress and tension in social situations. Regular meditation helps to promote calmness and enables the individual to exert greater control over his speech. One must keep the spine straight and sit in a correct posture in order to develop voice control. Breathing exercises are very beneficial for those with speech problems. These include Kapalbhati (Rapid Breathing), Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing) and Brahmari (Humming Bee). To perform meditation, first sit in a relaxed sitting position. You can sit in Sukhasana (Easy Pose) or Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Slowly start focusing on your breathing. You can concentrate your attention on the nostrils or on the movement of the abdomen as you breathe. Thoughts and feelings can be controlled through slow breathing. This helps to impart a sense of wellbeing and relaxation. Simhasana (Lion Pose) is also effective in dealing with speech disorders since it stimulates the face, mouth and throat. By performing this exercise, one can obtain relief from conditions such as voice deficiency and throat problems. Along with the use of yoga for stammering, it is also helpful to consult a doctor who will be able to identify any anatomical irregularities that may be causing the stammering.
One can also reduce stammering by performing some speech exercises on a daily basis. Repeating words or phrases, listening to one’s own recorded voice and using tongue twisters are some of the ways in which stammering can be cured. You can also perform tai chi for stammering since the gentle and serene movements help to balance the body and mind. Some people also make use of massage for stammering and other speech disorders. Massaging the connecting muscles of the face, head, neck and shoulders helps to relieve tension and promote better voice control. Massage may be used in combination with speech therapy.

Submitted by A on September 5, 2010 at 01:01

Yoga poses to cure stammering

Newer studies that are conducted in the field of speech and communication are beginning to show promising results on the positive role of yoga in helping to overcome speech obstacles. It is possible that yoga as well as meditation can solve the issue of stammering or stuttering. Since the asanas and meditation techniques that are part of yoga largely maintain the emotional and physical balance of the individual, these disciplines can help to promote a gradual cure for stammering. Although it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve it, stammering can be controlled with the help of regular meditative poses, breathing techniques and certain yoga postures'.

Yoga is solid on breathing techniques - which teaches the individual to breathe in a lengthy manner and to draw in deeply. Most people affected with speech impairment such as stammering or stuttering are bound to be stressed with anxiety and tension in social settings. Meditation thus comes to the rescue by relaxing the mind and the body of the individual. Meditation works as a form of cognitive treatment providing the individual an insight into his/her demeanor, checking for those that are inherent and those that can be controlled.

Concentrate on yogasanas such as Sinhasana and Makarasana, in addition to speech therapy as a complementary form of treatment.

Submitted by C D on June 6, 2008 at 04:11

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