can yoga help in stammering problem which has been present since childood???
Yes yoga can help in stammering problem that has been present since childhood. Stammering in most case is a psychological problem and arises when the person feels stressed, anxious, and angry, etc. People who stammer do not have a problem speaking normally or even singing when they are in a comfortable state of mind. Yoga helps you to be in that state so you do not stammer. Yoga is learnt in a slow systematic manner so your body gradually adapts to it to help you stay fit both emotionally and physically for your entire life. Yoga comprises of several methods such as Dhyana or meditation, Pranayama or
breathing techniques, asanas or postures, etc.
Dhyana or Meditation helps you to focus on your inner self. It improves your concentration, memory, it takes you away from your stressful thoughts and worries, it rejuvenates your mind and soul, and it calms you down so you start breathing in a relaxed manner. This affects your entire body in a positive manner, as you naturally feel calm and peaceful.
Pranayama or Breathing techniques help you to bring about harmony in the way you breathe. They teach you how to breathe correctly so that your body gets more oxygen supply to function at its best level. They deeply relax you and thus take away all your stress and tension. Deep breathing also helps you to speak properly so you do not get short of breath when you speak. Besides
breathing exercises can be done at any place whether it is your home or office so you can do it every time you feel tensed or stressed so you feel better. When your breathing is synchronized in the correct manner then your brain sends signals to your body that it is in a calm and peaceful state. When a person is in this state most of the time he would be absolutely comfortable with him and others and would not stammer.
Yoga asanas or postures help you as they work from deep within your body to naturally cleanse and detoxify it. This flushes out all the harmful toxins and optimizes the function of your system, which in turn makes you stronger and more flexible. Yoga asanas or poses also help you to get a beautifully toned body and glowing skin and hair that make you look good naturally. And a healthy good looking person feels confident naturally and this automatically makes you feel at ease with other people so you do not stammer.
Submitted by G M on January 23, 2009 at 03:18
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