Yoga Medicines for increasing height

(November 14, 2007)

Will any medicines will increase my height?i am 16/f and my height is 5'1

Unfortunately, most people have reached their maximum height by age 18 or 19, or sometimes 20 in males. Yoga will not help you grow any taller than you are genetically predetermined to grow. If you are curious as to how tall you will become, looking at your relatives may give you some idea, especially relatives of the same sex as you.

What yoga may be able to do for you is unlock tension and stress from your back and spine, therefore giving you an additional centimeter or two from your overall height. You may wish to focus on asanas what focus on your back and spine, such as spinal twists, bridge pose and threading the needle. You may also benefit from some standing poses, such as prayer pose and tree pose. As with all yoga, do not push yourself more than your body is willing to tolerate or else you will do more damage then good. And its probably best if you go to a yoga studio if you are a beginning to yoga. However, have realistic goals and remember that yoga is never going to make you grow any more than you already are genetically predetermined to grow.

Submitted by R W on November 14, 2007 at 02:45

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