Exercise for Arms

In sedentary jobs like word processing and typing we are making constant and repeated use of our elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. Due to this we experience stiffness in the joints, cramp and strain besides tension in the shoulders and neck.

If not heeded, they can lead to extreme conditions like “ tennis elbow” which is very painful. Therefore we are required to move the joints in different movements regularly.


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Gradually muscles associated with the joints also get toned up.

Note: The exercises for the fingers, hands and wrists specify that your arms should be in the front of you at shoulder height. But they can also be practiced with your arms and hands at your sides.

1. The Fingers and Hands

Stretching and squeezing:

  1. Be seated in your chair in the basic position.
  2. Raise your hand sin front of you to shoulder height with your palms facing downwards. Breathe normally and focus your attention in your fingers. More importantly between your little fingers and tips of your thumbs by stretching your fingers wide. Now start feeling the stretch across your palms.
  3. Start feeling that you are creating space in between your fingers besides lengthening, extending and opening them. It is important that you don’t stiffen your finger.
  4. Now make fists with your fingers by slowly curling them inwards and with the thumbs being folded inside. Squeeze your thumbs till you are comfortable experience and experience no pain. You can go on increasing the strength in the squeeze.
  5. Carry on with the stretching and squeezing. The movement should not be fast and jerky but smooth.
  6. Do not tighten your jaw while practicing this. Your spine should be lengthened and your shoulders should be down.
  7. Repeat this five times.
  8. You can lower your arms and for a short time you can circle your shoulders backward.

Finger Flicking:

  1. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder height with your palms facing downwards.
  2. Flick your thumbs firmly with the tips of your index finger so that they “ snap” out. The snap should be firm, brisk and definite.
  3. You can continue flicking your thumb with your remaining third, fourth and little finger.
  4. Then follow the reverse direction by flicking the fourth, third and index fingers with thumb.
  5. With the same crisp and precise snap continue to flick and gradually increase the speed of the flicking.
  6. You can release your hands in downward direction and rest them in your lap.

Finger pulling:

  1. Pull your right thumb with your left hand gently all along. Repeat this several times. In the same way pull gently along your index, third, fourth and little fingers.
  2. Repeat the same procedure with the fingers of your left hand.

Finger bending:

  1. With the help of your left hand gently bend back your right thumb towards your wrist.
  2. Then in sequence bend your index, third, fourth and little fingers.
  3. Likewise gently bend the fingers of your left hand with the help of your right hand.
  4. Never overdo these exercises, be gentle. After doing a lot of typing and writing the finger joints require these two simple exercises for freeing the finger joints and in releasing the tension created in them.

2. The Wrists

Wrist bending:

  1. Occupy the chair in basic sitting position.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you to the shoulder height with your palms facing downwards.
  3. Breathe naturally and focus your attention to your wrists.
  4. Keep your fingers straight and let them point in upward direction. Now try and bend your hands backwards at the wrist. Your palms face forward as if pushing a wall.
  5. Point your finger downward and slowly bend your hands forward at the wrists.

    All the three sets of knuckles should be kept straight. In this exercise all the movements will lie in the joints of the wrist.
  6. Repeat this exercise five more times.
  7. Circle your shoulders backwards after lowering your arms.

Wrist circling:

  1. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder height with your palms facing down.
  2. With your thumbs inside make a loose fist with your right hand.
  3. Your right elbow should be supported with your left hand. Circle your right fist in clockwise direction slowly.
  4. With the joints of your wrists in full range of volume make the circular movement as big as possible.
  5. After doing this five times you can reverse the directions.
  6. These movements should not be in shoulder or elbow, but all the movement should lie strictly in the wrist.
  7. Repeat the exercise five times in each direction with your left wrist.
  8. Then with both your wrists repeat the circling in the same direction. In each direction you need to repeat it five times.
  9. Release your arms low and circle your shoulders back.

In this exercise you need not support your arm, once you learn how to separate and control the movement in the wrist, by keeping the rest of the arm immobile. Keep an account of the type of movement involved. Whether it is well greased and smooth or jerky. Pay attention to the changes that may occur after certain time of practice and be fully aware of the differences between your left and right wrists.

3. The Elbows

Elbow bending: Arms forward

  1. Be seated in the basic manner.
  2. Raise your arms in front of you to shoulder height and let your palms face up.
  3. Breathe naturally and let all your attention lie in your elbows.
  4. Keep your arms parallel to the floor and bend your elbows and let your fingertips touch your shoulder as you exhale.
  5. Straighten your arms and extend your fingertips away as you inhale. Do not stiffen your elbows, wrists and fingers. Start feeling that you are creating space especially in your elbow joints and lengthening and opening all the joints.
  6. You repeat this exercise five times.
  7. After lowering your arms circle your shoulders back.

Elbow bending: arms in the sides

  1. Raise your arms to shoulders height and in sideward direction, with your palms facing up.
  2. Let your arms be parallel to the floor sideways. Bend your elbows and bring your fingertips to your shoulders as you exhale.
  3. Straighten your right arms and stretch your fingertips away. This will lead to the opening and lengthening of your elbow joints as you inhale.
  4. Simultaneously turn your head slowly to the right and let your eyes lead the movement.
  5. Turn your head to look forward, at the same time return your fingertips to your shoulders as you exhale.
  6. Turn your head to the left and inhale as you straighten your left arm.
  7. Turn your head to look forward, exhaling as you return your fingertips back to your shoulders. This is one round of exercise. You can repeat this twice.
  8. Release your arms to lower them and circle your shoulders back.
  9. Do not tighten your jaw. Your spine should be lengthened and your shoulders should be kept down whenever you practice these two exercises.
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