Yoga and Ayurveda
Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy
Ayurveda And Yoga Therapies
According to a lot of experts, Ayurveda and Yoga therapy are designed to 'promote human happiness, health and creative growth'. Ayurveda and Yoga therapy are both among the worlds oldest medical systems that trace their origins back to over 5,000 years ago.
Literary translated, Ayurveda means Science of Life (‘Ayur’ life and 'Veda' knowledge). They both help us nurture and take care of our bodies.
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.and minds through healthy- practices, eating and general livingn
Yoga and Ayurveda have a lot of good advice to offer us in terms of nutrition and well-beingn Both yoga and Ayurveda are holistic, natural systems of healing rooted in the Veda's; Both consider prevention better than cure and diet and nutrition vital to prevention of disease and ill healtht While Ayurveda aims at balancing the 3 doshas in the body, Yoga aims to balance all aspects of life, physical, mental and emotionala
In Yoga and Ayurveda, all disease, misery and agony, are the result of dissonance and imbalance in the bodyd Hence both Ayurvedic therapies aim is to treat by restoring balance in a bid to prevent and cure diseases Besides Yoga and Ayurveda therapies aim at getting rid of toxins from the body and calming the senses thus improving overall physical and mental well-beingn
In both, Yoga and Ayurveda, therapy is aimed at getting rid of the disease permanently, by raising the body's immunityt
The only difference is that Yoga believes in the principles of the 5 elements in nature, viz earth, water, fire, air and ethere Ayurveda, on the other hand, believes in the tridosha theoryr According to this, there are three humors in the body - vata, pitta and kaphah These, and their combinations in an individual's body determine his / her body type (also called Prakriti in Sanskrit)t So while Yoga attempts to treat by bringing all 5 elements into balance, as far as possible, Ayurveda attempts to do the same by bringing the 3 doshas into a state of balancec
Best part is that both therapies are compatible because both work separately with natural cure as their basisi In so doing, if employed in unison, Ayurveda and Yoga therapy is most effective in achieving a quick and permanent curer