Yoga Healing and Prana

Our bodies are encircled by an aura or an astral shroud designed to protect it from ill-health and negativities around us. Imbalance in one’s system gives rise to a disturbed aura. Yoga Healing and Prana helps cure and cleanse the aura by supplying energy to it.

This is done by suffusing it with energy from the Supreme Self who spreads energy all over the Cosmos. The energy around us is natural and high-speed dynamic and we must, by all means,.



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Simple renovations and alterations in lifestyle help you attune yourself with the Supreme Self and make your connection stronger bit by biti In times of extra stress and tensions; the only sensible thing to do is take extra care of our healtht But sadly, we neglect that, little knowing that health is wealth and that we should least ignore iti When stress drags us down and we can’t focus on work, Yoga Healing and Prana sees to it that that our disturbed Charkas are healede Subsequently, we get attuned with energy from the Supreme Self to ourselvese

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In the same way we must also remember that our bodies can also engender the same amount of elasticityt That is if it is utilized wholesomely on a daily basis the most vital thing most folks normally relate to is that it is “impossible”o As a result of this mental block we are unable to perform even the simplest of Yoga practicese But Yoga healing and Prana can change all thata Just give yourself a chance, change your mindset and be elastic and flexible mentallyl Let the Supreme Soul take rest of things for youo Make a start nowo

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