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Yoga For A Strong Back And Sturdy Legs
Patricia | April 17, 2009
Which are the best yoga poses to make my back and legs more flexible?
Yoga is a traditional discipline that found its origins in India more than 3000 years ago. This discipline is a system of physical and mental practises known as 'asanas' and 'pranayama' respectively that help heal and rejuvenate your body and mind. Yoga is known to improve your physical fitness. There are several yoga poses to make the back and legs more flexible.
For the back, Dhanurasana, or the bow pose is a good start. You need to first lie on your stomach, bend your knees back and try and hold your ankles with your hands. Let your weight rest on your stomach. This way the entire spinal column is mobilised, strengthening the back muscles.
Another good pose is the Ardha Matsyendrasana which is a simple spinal twist. You need to sit down with your legs stretched out. Then cross one leg over the other and look behind your shoulder. This pose gives your back a lateral stretch, eases any tension in the back area, thereby improving flexibility.
You could also try this breathing exercise called Ujjayi breathing, which when combined with the physical postures can improve the flexibility of your back. To practise this form of pranyama, take a full deep breath that fills your stomach, rib cage and then lungs. This long breath calms down the nervous system and makes the nerves in your back stronger.
For the legs, a very simple yet effective exercise is the Utkasana or the chair pose. In this pose, stand straight and then position your body such that you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Inhale and stretch your arms while trying to sit down. You should hold the seated pose for at least 30 seconds to begin with and gradually extend this time. As the entire body weight rests on the legs, especially the thighs and knees, this is a great exercise to make your legs more flexible.
Another good pose for the legs is the Vrikasana or the tree pose. To perform this pose, stand straight, then place one leg on the inside part of the other leg and raise your arms over your head. Keep alternating between the two legs. To make it harder, you could try closing your eyes. This will make you concentrate harder on your posture. With this pose, you need to balance your body on one foot and your calves and ankles take most of the pressure. It is a good way to make your legs stronger.