Yoga To Promote Good Health And Ensure Mental Clarity

By Patricia | December 11, 2008
Yoga Exercise & Diet For Mental Clarity

Some Great Yoga Exercises To Be Done Daily To Stay Healthy

Yoga is an ancient fitness discipline that helps you to keep your mind and body healthy. Ideally it is best to learn the basics of Yoga under the tutelage of a trained instructor. This is because Yoga routines are scientifically designed so as to exercise and stretch the various parts of the body in a systematic manner. Moreover, there are many different styles and schools of Yoga — such as Power Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, etc. — and the techniques and routines vary from school to school.

If you wish to practice Yoga at home for all-round general fitness, you can choose from some of the many basic Yoga postures that are common to all schools of Yoga. While there are many poses that can be practiced safely at home, and there are an innumerable number of DVD’s and online programs that show you how to perform them, I’m going to tell you about some of the more popular Yoga exercises that you can perform to make yourself healthy inside and out.

Surya Namaskar

The Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is one of the most popular Yoga exercises, and very rightly so. This twelve-step exercise routine consists of a series of flowing postures that help to stretch and exercise the entire body. In fact, merely performing the Surya Namaskar everyday would also be a great fitness routine in itself. The Surya Namaskar is also excellent for warming up the body prior to performing other Yoga exercises. Ideally the Surya Namaskar should be performed early in the morning under the light of the sun. In addition to the benefits of exercise, exposing your body to the sun when its light is still not too strong will help in the production of Vitamin D, without exposing your body to the dangers of sunburn and other associated ailments.

Ardha Matsyendra Asana

The Ardha Matsyendra Asana, or the Half Spinal Twist, is one of my favorite Yoga Asanas. It is ideal for those who spend long days hunched up in front of a computer. The Ardha Matsyendra Asana enables you to gently stretch the entire spinal column and get rid of any kinks brought on by long hours at a desk. It also helps to relieve stress from the neck and upper back. This exercise also helps to strengthen the core muscles and massages the internal organs to improve their function.

There are many other such basic routines that will help you to maintain good health if practiced on a regular basis. Another important factor towards good health is your diet. Yoga promotes a Sattvic Diet, which is a vegetarian diet that not only promotes good health, but also ensures mental clarity.

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