Yoga For Fibromyalgia

By Patricia | October 17, 2008
Yoga For Fibromyalgia Patients

Fibromyalgia is a widespread condition that causes severe pain and fatigue in the fibrous tissues in the body. It affects the connective tissues like muscles, tendons and ligaments. Its symptoms include body ache, pain, fatigue, insomnia, depression, headaches, etc. Though a prevalent condition, fibromyalgia has no known cause or cure.

Yoga is known to give relief to people who suffer from fibromyalgia. Yoga is a holistic fitness tradition that originated in India some 5000 years ago. It aims to create harmony between a person’s physical and mental health through a series of postures, breathing techniques and meditation. It is a highly popular therapeutic discipline.

Yoga helps ease the pain and discomfort brought on by fibromyalgia. Regular practice also helps build the body’s resistance against illness and fatigue. Yoga is especially beneficial as its postures are easy to perform. In addition postures can be modified to suit your condition and stamina.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, it is best to opt for a gentler style of yoga like Viniyoga or Hatha yoga. Both these forms incorporate moderate poses and put great emphasis on breathing techniques and meditation. The slow movements allow the muscles to breathe and heal more effectively. The practice also has a very positive impact on the mind, which in turn speeds up the healing process.

Yoga postures work all the major muscle groups of the body. The exercise helps them to stretch and release tension and fatigue. In addition yoga’s breathing techniques supply your body with fresh oxygen, which increases energy flow and makes the muscles stronger. Exercises that involve spinal compressions are especially effective as they help the muscles relax. They also boost blood circulation and stimulate the hormonal system.

Yoga’s breathing techniques are very effective in countering the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Deep breathing negates fatigue and stress, as well as reducing anxiety and depression. Depression has a detrimental impact on the mind and on the breathing process. During this state, your breathing becomes shallow and results in an inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain. Through yoga, the right amount of oxygen is provided, resulting in a fresh flow of energy.

Meditation is another important tool to battle fibromyalgia. It helps to calm and control the mind. This is especially useful to combat intense pain and discomfort. Fibromyalgia also disrupts normal sleeping patterns. Through meditation and breathing techniques you can beat the insomnia and get back to enjoying a good night’s rest.

Yoga will bring you much needed relief. However it is important to remember a few basic rules before you start.

  • First find a trained teacher to help you with basic yoga training. A trained professional can help you modify the yoga postures to suit your needs without changing the essence of the exercise.
  • Listen to your body. Don’t push the muscles to exertion. Doing so will only aggravate your condition. If you feel pain, stop. If you feel tired, skip the yoga session till you feel better.
  • Start small: begin with five to ten minutes of yoga a day. As your body grows stronger and adapts to the poses, work your way up to longer session of up to 30 minutes. Regular practice will result in a positive impact on both your body and mind.
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