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Various Yoga Poses: Useful for Relaxation And Stress Reduction
Patricia | January 20, 2009
Do You Have Good Relaxation Techniques In Yoga
Yoga has been widely recognized the world over as being one of the most powerful stress reduction practices. Exercise in itself helps combat stress, and yoga is so much more than a physical discipline. It includes many exercises and techniques that have given rise to a number of stress reduction techniques popular the world over. Most of us don’t even realize how much of these techniques have derived from the ancient discipline of yoga. Yoga’s combination of physical exercises with breath control make it extremely powerful as a stress reduction tool equipping and enabling it’s practitioners to free their minds completely and relax their bodies. With greater awareness and communication, and the simultaneous rise of stress levels, yoga has become increasingly popular and gained mainstream acceptance in recent decades.
There are various yoga disciplines and each of them offers a variety of benefits. All of them have common origins and have diverged in their implementation of the postures, breathing techniques and other practices. If you are turning to yoga specifically as a method of stress reduction there is no single style of yoga that is superior or better as compared to another. Chose a discipline based on your levels of fitness and requirements. Breath control is another integral aspect of yoga and helps to combat almost any stressful situation.
There are a number of poses or asanas that are particularly useful for relaxation and here are a few of them:
- Corpse Pose
- Reversed Corpse
- Superior Posture
- Crocodile Pose
- Flapping Fish
Practicing these asanas with dedication will bring you peace and tranquility and also leave you feeling energized after your yoga routine. These postures or asanas are not as easy as they may appear to be. Practicing them mechanically will not produce much result as they need to be followed rigorously and the tension and stress in your muscles must be released consciously. Sleep is also vital and a lack of sleep or disturbed sleep is one of the biggest contributors to stress. This forms a vicious cycle as stress causes a lack of sleep and vice versa. Yoga can break this cycle, relaxing your body and mind and improving your sleep patterns. Practitioners sleep better and can wake up after fewer hours of sleep feeling a lot more refreshed.
Certain asanas are however not meant for individuals suffering from certain health conditions or injuries, so always make it a point to consult a skilled trainer. In addition, it would always be advisable and beneficial to learn from a skilled instructor and practice under his guidance as practicing some of the asanas improperly can result in injuries.