What Guidelines Should You Follow While Doing Yoga In Winter?

By Patricia | December 29, 2008
Yoga Poses During Winter

Winter is the time for food and festivities. It is also a time with high stress levels due to end of the year deadlines and often too much of partying. As the temperatures dip well below freezing point, you also become more prone to coughs and colds, fevers and flu. Once the winter begins to get harsh, the joints become stiff and muscle aches begin to set in due to the lack of warmth. You may also feel too lazy to step out of the house to exercise. So, in such a situation, yoga seems like one of the best options. You can exercise at home itself or in a cozy studio, and become fitter and stronger.

Guidelines For Doing Yoga In Winter:

  • Since your body will take time to warm up in winter, you might need to take up a type of yoga which concentrates on flowing yoga movements, instead of those that need you to hold a pose for a long time.
  • You might like to consider Ashtanga yoga, Bikram yoga and Power yoga for the winters. While Ashtanga yoga and Power yoga will keep your body warm through a series of flowing movements, Bikram yoga can actually make you all sweaty and hot. In fact, Bikram yoga is known as hot yoga because of the high temperatures and humidity levels maintained in the yoga studio.
  • When you begin your yoga session, you need to warm up well before proceeding with any of the exercises. Since warming up might take more time in this cold season, do your warming up asanas like the Sun Salutation for a few more minutes.
  • Deep breathing exercises are also recommended during the winters. You can include chest breathing techniques in every session. For this you need to sit in the lotus posture and place your hands on your knees. Begin with slow but deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
  • You could include stretching exercises in your winter workout. Postures like Tadasana or Mountain Pose, Trikonasana or Triangle posture, Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend, Bhujangasana or Cobra posture, Salabhasana or Locust posture are some of the postures to stretch and strengthen the entire body. You could also do Chakrasana or the Wheel posture, Utthita Trikonasana or Reserved Triangle postures are some of the other postures, which will stretch your limbs.
  • Pranayamas or breath control exercises are also good for the body and the mind. These breathing techniques cleanse your body by flushing out the toxins.

In addition to your yoga workouts keep your body hydrated with delicious hot soups and adequate fluid intake!

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