Health Benefits Of Snake Yoga

By Patricia | November 28, 2008
Snake Yoga Benefits For Women

What Is Snake Yoga (Bhujangasana)

Bhujang is the Sanskrit word for snake and in this asana the body looks like a snake. Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra or the snake pose, is performed by raising your head with your chest. This looks like the raised hood of a cobra. While doing this pose, you lie down in a certain position, making you look like a snake. Good for your spine, this yoga asana/posture is about proper inhaling and exhaling.

This asana is also known as Sarpasana and Nagasana. The words Sarp and Nag mean snake.


  • This pose stimulates and energizes the chest, lungs, back and shoulders.
  • It is good for the abdominal muscles and the abdominal organs.
  • Bhujangasana strengthens the spine; firms the buttocks; and, opens the lungs and the heart.
  • This yoga asana is good for asthma and sciatica.
  • Bhujangasana also relieves fatigue and stress.
  • According to the traditional texts, Bhujangasana awakens the kundalini, increases body heat and destroys disease.
  • This yoga asana is good for curing irregular menstruation, lethargy and diseases of the heart, lungs, chest and spinal column.
  • It improves your digestion and appetite.
  • Bhujangasana tones up the spinal column, and the muscles of the ovaries and the uterus.
  • Those who suffer from wet dreams and leucorrhoea can get relief by doing this yoga posture regularly.

Snake Yoga: Some yoga practitioners have used the basics of traditional yoga and combined it with serpent energy to create a yoga form called Snake Yoga. A form of yoga for women, snake yoga concentrates on breathing techniques, the kundalini and the strengthening of the yin qualities. This yoga opens up the charkas and is good for cooling and balance.

Benefits Of Snake Yoga: While doing snake yoga, the practitioner inhales deeply through the nose and exhales through the mouth in a slow hiss, like a snake. This is believed to release tensions, stress and toxins. Cooling and relaxing, this breathing with a hiss is like meditation to practitioners. In snake yoga, the asanas/postures are done on the floor, while lying on the belly or back, with inversion or bending exercises. Snake yoga practitioners believe that the spine is like a snake and through snake yoga the spine becomes strong and supple, and finally, a healthy spine results in overall health. Strengthening yet restorative, snake yoga has been especially designed for women.

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