How To Treat Staph Infection Using Home Remedies?

By Patricia | February 5, 2010


Staphylococcus or what is commonly known as Staph, is a type of bacteria that causes a variety of diseases. This occurs both in humans and animals. Staph related illnesses can be mild, severe or even fatal. The Staphylococcal disease normally leads to a collection of pus in a particular area. This can be termed as a boil or an abscess. The area can possibly become red, pus filled and swollen. At times it can even become painful. There are more than thirty types of Staphylococci that can infect humans alone. However, the largest numbers of infections are normally caused by a strain called Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococci can be found most often in the nose and on the skin.

Natural Treatment

Some of the common home remedies for boils are garlic, onions, turmeric and cumin seeds. Crush 3-4 cloves of garlic and apply the juice externally over the boil. This helps the boil to ripen. Application of turmeric powder also helps in speeding up the healing process. Similarly, the juice of an onion or paste made from cumin seeds can be applied externally over the boil for quick pus drainage. Soaking bread in warm milk and applying over the infected boil can help cure a boil. Application of tea tree oil and aloe vera leaves to the afflicted area can help in the case of a minor infection Warm moist compresses can be applied three times a day over the boil. This helps the pus portion to come to the top and will further encourage drainage. Always avoid picking the boil before it matures.

Alternative health advice for a Staph infection is the importance of living in a pollution free environment. Make it a practice to clean, moisturize and exfoliate your skin on a regular basis. This will prevent further formation of boils. If you have a boil that is in the process of draining then take regular showers to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the body. Separately, maintaining a well balanced diet consisting of whole-grain cereals, raw vegetables and fresh fruits is beneficial in keeping you healthy. Green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, coriander, lettuce etc should be eaten in abundance. Remember to drink lots of water on a daily basis. When fighting any infection, one needs lots of essential vitamins and amino acids. This is especially true in the case of a Staph infection. A mushroom by the name of ganoderma has 200 active elements that are useful in curing such infections.

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