Remedies For Infant Constipation

By Patricia | April 26, 2010

Causes And Treatment

Infant constipation can pose a worrying problem for already overworked caregivers. However, while you may have already begun to panic, you will have to identify whether the infant actually suffers from constipation. While this may sound strange, one has to understand that infants have a different cycle compared to us. While they might seem constipated by adult standards, their systems function quite differently. To give you an idea of how different constipation in infants is, consider the case of breastfed infants who usually only have a bowel movement about once each week. Another point to remember is that even amongst infants, bowel movements can be quite different. A general rule to follow with regards to infants is that constipation should not really be defined in terms of the number or frequency of bowel movements that the little one has. Rather, take a closer look at the infant when he or she is having one. Ask yourself whether the infant appears to have difficulty or appears to be in some discomfort. This should be on account of stools that appear to be hard and quite dense, which is unusual for infants. The issue with infrequency being an inadequate definition is because milk comprises the infant’s chief source of nutrition. While this is so full of the nutrition your baby needs, very little milk remains after absorption. This means that stools cannot be passed that regularly. Your baby’s body requires most of it to function and after it is absorbed, little quantity is left to pass. At the same time, the infant’s gut might be naturally a little slower than others, leading to a more infrequent need to go.

Infant Constipation Remedies

When talking about treatment for constipation in infants it has to be mentioned that breastfeeding should not be stopped on this account. A good step would be to switch brands in case of a bottle fed infant. If the climate is hot, your little one might benefit from an electrolyte solution. Water is a good option for both infants and adults when it comes to the problem of constipation. Some juice additions like pear juice would be great for the formula given to the infant. As a caregiver, one has a right to be concerned about constipation which is serious since there could be some medical problem behind this. It could be that the explanation is an obstruction or something more serious. Do not delay if the constipation seems to be making your baby experience a lot of discomfort.

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