Yoga Poses To Prevent Stiff Hip

By Patricia | December 26, 2008
Yoga Poses To Prevent Stiff Hip

Yoga can not make your hips wide; the only one way in which yoga can help to lengthen any portion of your body is by realignment of the spine due to misaligned bones. So don’t worry, you will never get wider hips if you practice yoga on regular basis. However there are many yoga asanas which will help to open your hips and make the pelvic region more flexible so that you can bend and stretch more easily. Remember wider hips are due to wider pelvic bones and bones cannot be increased or decreased after a certain age (generally after puberty). When you lose weight or gain weight your muscles and fat percentage decrease or increase and not your bones. Besides, if you tend to lose your waist fat by practicing yoga regularly then this change can make your hip region look wider if compared with your waist; but in actual it is not turned large.

Your hips can become stiff if you sit for long hours, if you exercise without stretching, or due to some joint injury or problem. This restriction can reduce the energy flow and circulation through out your body. Certain yoga asanas are a real hip opener; by practicing them on regular basis you can notice a large improvement in how you lower body feels and responds. Moreover many asanas are similar to those practiced to loosen tight hamstring muscles, so if you practice those you will get dual benefits. Start your yoga session by a 15 minutes light warm up to move the energy in right direction. Try the following hip opener poses for a more flexible lower body and to prevent stiff hips. You may hold each pose for a minute or more according to your endurance.

  • Modified Boat Pose – This is an excellent pose to extend your tendons around the hips.
  • Bound Angle Pose – Press you elbows lightly into your thighs as you perform this pose for a greater hip release.
  • Low Lunge – As you practice this pose on regular basis you will feel an incredible stretch in your hip flexors.
  • Wide Legged Forward Bend – This pose helps to alleviate pressure in your hamstrings and hips.
  • Bridge Pose – This pose will not only help to open your hips but will also help to release your spine and chest.
  • Triangle Pose – This pose when practiced against the wall will help to open your hips and also give a proper alignment to your body.
  • Wide Angled Forward Bend – Practice this pose without any variation to open your hips completely.
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