Home Remedies for Seborrheic Keratoses Removal

By Patricia | September 4, 2009

Seborrheic keratosis is a growth that occurs on the skin and is a type of skin nevus. A nevus is a benign, abnormal growth of cells on the skin and can be seen most commonly in the case of a melanocyte nevus called a mole. In the case of a seborrheic keratosis growth, the growth is filled with keratinocyte cells. Keratin producing cells occur in the upper layers of the skin in an area called the stratum corneum. This protein is the main constituent of hair and nails but is found on the skin as well to prevent it from drying out by forming a tough, waterproof layer. The reason why these kertinocytes form nevi in the skin is unknown but it is understood that age plays a major factor in the onset of these cells. A possible degree of genetic predisposition also plays a part in the onset of seborrheic keratosis. Additionally, the role of ultraviolet light exposure over time can also cause the onset of this condition.

Seborrheic Keratoses Removal - Hpv And Warts Infection

Removing a nevi or any kind of skin growth is not something that can be attempted at home. This is primarily because cutting off nevi will not guarantee that it will not grow back. This kind of treatment is mistakenly made by some individuals and this eventually causes the growth to return or even worse the
onset of a warts because of infection by the HPV virus. Ideally, your dermatologist would advise that you not do anything about this growth because it is a benign structure but if the growth is in a place where it will disturb your regular existence, like on the face, and when one cannot shave because of it, the advice is to remove the growth. Removing a seborrheic keratosis requires either an electric cauterization or the use of cryotherapy. Cryotherapy is the most non-invasive method of dealing with skin growths and abnormalities. The procedure involves putting a few drops of liquid nitrogen on the growth and effectively killing it. The growth will then be lanced away or it will eventually fall off. Electric cauterization burns off the stub of the growth and sometimes a more invasive burn needs to be done to cut off the tissue from its base. This method might involve some scarring as the skin heals over the wound.

Treatment And Home Remedy

There is some experimental evidence that was done in Japan that showed that a vitamin D variant was also successful. This variant is dihydrovitamin D3. The tests showed remission and the growths eventually falling off. This is not replicable at home, as the vitamin D variant is synthetically created. For seborrheic keratosis, you would have to consult a doctor.

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