Do perfect yoga

(September 5, 2010)

I have recently got a CD that expalins & shows the different asanas. I have decided to practice that. Is it fine to do yoga asanas without an instructor? If a breath is inhaled or exhaled wrongly during the poses will it harm the health?

Yoga can be described as the ancient science of healthy living. It has gained tremendous importance in today’s world, as people have become aware of its various health benefits. This science is included in quite a few weight loss, stress management, and rehab programs.  There are several yoga studios that offer classes for beginners, as well as people who practice advanced yoga. However, finding the perfect yoga class is not always easy, due to time constraints or the location you live in. Moreover some of these classes can be very expensive. Therefore, there are many people who resort to the use of CDs, DVDs or online resources for learning perfect yoga crunches, breathing techniques, yoga poses and gestures. Most of these commercial CDs, DVDs and online help resources are quite thorough and provide detailed explanation on the perfect yoga body posture, along with the correct breathing technique.

In case you are referring only to a yoga instructional CD or DVD (without the supervision of a professional instructor), it is absolutely essential that you pay detailed attention to their explanation, especially about the breathing techniques. If you do not practice the right breathing, while performing the various yoga exercises and poses, you will not be able to enjoy the benefits of that exercises. In some cases, improper inhaling and exhaling while practicing yoga can actually cause harm to the body too. Keep in mind here that the perfect yoga routine is not one that tests and strains your body, but one that relaxes it.

Therefore, while referring to the instructions on a CD or DVD is good for learning more yoga postures, beginners to this science should always start with classes at a professional studio, to get the perfect yoga feel. These studios not only teach you about the Yoga postures and their benefits, they can also guide you about the various yoga accessories that can be used to enhance the experience. Moreover, yoga studios are normally filled with people who have been practicing yoga for a while, have the perfect yoga body, have recovered from various illnesses and can share their motivational stories with you. Do keep in mind that your sessions and sequence that you follow should be crafted specifically for you as the perfect yoga routine for one individual may just not be the perfect yoga routine for you. The advantage of learning Yoga from a guru is that in case you are going wrong somewhere or are making a mistake, you will be stopped and corrected immediately.

While a time crunch, financial constraints or your location may not allow you the time to take up yoga courses, it is best to at least start off under the guidance of an expert and then make the use of DVDs, CDs or online resources, once you attain a certain level of mastery.

Submitted by A on September 5, 2010 at 08:01

Initially it is always inadvisable to practise Yogas without the help or guidance of a skilled, expert Yoga instructor. Yes, inhaling and exhaling in synchrony is very vital, or it could do you harm.

I suggest you enlist into a Yoga class and practise from the CD only after you’ve attained a certain level of proficiency and self confidence. This to avoid any harm to yourself.

Submitted by A on August 2, 2007 at 06:15

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