Question on yoga

(June 15, 2011)

Is it normal to feel faint, nauseated and very hot during yoga? I've been to 3-4 sessions and felt sick each time.

A common cause for dizziness during the practice of yoga is due to the solar plexus being locked from emotional holding patterns and stress. A common reason for nausea after yoga or before the practice is that it is a sign of a toxic or overtaxed liver or gall bladder, and it is also a sign that the process of detoxing has started. Even if the diet of the individual is right, toxins can be taken in from the air that is breathed in. Yoga helps in cleansing the liver and to detox. It also has positive effects on the thyroid gland, which helps in regulating the liver. You should remember that the liver helps in filtering hormones, particularly around the menstrual cycle of women. Hence, it increases the chances of you experiencing the symptoms of nausea during yoga.

Other causes of feeling dizzy and nauseous are an inner ear imbalance, overexertion, shallow breathing, dehydration, and low blood sugar. If you experience a little dizziness, headaches, and nausea, it is suggested that you let your eyes remain open. It is ultimately best for you to keep your eyes closed but not if the discomfort continues. The practice of yoga can be beneficial even with the eyes kept open. If you feel the cause of nausea and headaches is due to low blood pressure, you can have something light like an apple or a few raw nuts an hour before you practice your yoga. It is also important that you keep yourself well hydrated. While you are exercising, you should keep the diaphragm muscle relaxed and make sure that you do not breathe into this area. It is also suggested that you go through your diet and try to eliminate oily or heavy fatty foods. To avoid feelings of nausea after exercise and yoga make sure to give a gap of at least three hours before your practice. If after following these suggestions you continue to experience nausea after yoga, make sure to consult a doctor for a possibility of an imbalance in the inner ear. Experiencing nausea after eating could also be because of problems with the gallbladder. If individuals with this problem have greasy or fatty foods nausea will commonly be felt.

Nausea after eating and drinking during pregnancy could be because of the changes in the hormones or a blood sugar imbalance and can be made worse with smoking. There are some tips you could follow to avoid nausea during pregnancy. To avoid nausea in the morning, you should take your time while you get out of bed, and if you feel very sick, you should eat a little bit just as soon as you get up. One way on how to reduce nausea after eating at night is to keep the windows open while you sleep to let fresh air to enter.

Nausea is sometimes experienced by people after eating and drinking foods like chocolate, coffee, meat, sugar, sweets, apples, or a breakfast of eggs and can cause an abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, headache and fatigue. One of the most common nausea after eating causes is the content of food. Some ingredients present in food may not suit some individuals and can cause ingestion. It could also be that the food does not agree with the digestive system. Nausea can also come about after eating anything that can cause an allergy or because of food poisoning. Gulping down food or eating food hastily can also contribute to the nauseous feeling after eating. Getting used to fatty, rich and heavy meals can also cause individuals to feel nauseous after having meals. Having meals that are too frequent or having lengthy gaps between your meals can also cause nausea in some individuals.

The treatment of nausea after eating lies in getting rid of the causes of the condition. You should try to develop eating habits that are healthy by choosing the right foods and taking enough time while eating. You should also avoid letting your body get into high stress levels. Living a lifestyle that is stressful and hyperactivity can make the nausea worse. Hence, it is important that you take some time out and bring relaxation to your body. You can control nausea by taking fruit juices, lemonade, or ice-cold drinks throughout the day. Green tea, herbal tea, and lemon tea can also help in treating the condition. The amount of liquid foods should be increased in your diet and your intake of solid foods should be reduced. There are also some yoga poses to help with nausea. Some of the poses of yoga for nausea are Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Balasana (Child Pose).

Certain types of smells like smoke from oil or vehicles, perfumes, and cooking smells can also cause one to feel dizzy and nauseous after eating. In these types of cases, it is important that you avoid coming into such conditions as much as you can. After you have your meals, you should avoid too much exposure to humidity and heat, congested spaces, and riding vehicles. You should also include more of light and bland foods to your diet and avoid greasy and spicy foods. You should also refrain from mixing cold and hot foods in your meals and avoid taking foods that are hot as much as you can. Fresh fruits, whole grains, and other foods that are nutritious can help in reducing nausea. Some individuals find it difficult to have foods that have made them feel nauseous previously. In these kinds of cases, it is suggested that you carry some over the counter medication and take them as per the prescription. Even after you have taken the medication and measures and find no effective results, it is time to consult a doctor. Avoid continuing your medication thinking that the disorder will subside. Nausea that is chronic after eating is a serious matter and should be dealt with immediately. Chronic nausea could be an indication that some medical disorder that is acute is affecting your body. Therefore, it is important that you avoid taking matters into your own hands and waiting till they become worse. Getting proper medical attention can reduce your anxieties and will make sure that relief will come quickly from this condition of nausea after eating.

Submitted by A on June 15, 2011 at 08:13

My dear friend, it is not just normal, it's something to celebrate. These are signs that your mind-body syndrome is already feeling the effects of the Yoga practices. It's just a way of your system releasing pent-up toxins. Rejoice and continue practising. Should the signs and symptoms get so overwhelming, keep a glass of sweetened lemon juice near at hand and keep sipping from time to time. Watch the side-effects vanish.

Submitted by A on April 12, 2007 at 02:48

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