Please sir i have low sound,i have wear hearing aid please help me i want sound in my ear please show me the best yoga for hearing aid

(November 18, 2011)

Yoga For Hearing Aid

One of the major benefits associated with doing yoga exercises is improved blood circulation in the body. Since nerves that control hearing pass through the neck, yoga poses that strengthen the neck muscles and improve blood flow to the head ensure that the nerves in the ear get adequate blood supply. Partial hearing loss may be caused by several factors such as ears clogged by wax or blocked sinuses. Poor hearing may be the result of ear infections, tinnitus, or damage to the nerves in the ear. Temporary loss of hearing may be caused by prolonged exposure to high decibel noise.

Those with partial hearing impairment may benefit by doing yoga regularly to ensure adequate blood supply to the inner ear. Deep breathing exercises like Pranayama boost the effectiveness of the body’s immune system and reduce the attacks of cold viruses. This, in turn, maintains the sinuses clear of mucus collection and prevents ear infections.

Relaxation exercises for the neck and shoulder help ease the tension in these muscles and facilitate the free flow of oxygenated blood to the inner ear. Asanas such as Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) are aimed at flexing the neck and shoulder muscles and improving circulation to the upper body.  Karnapidasana (Knee to Ear Pose) is said to be effective in restoring hearing after a temporary hearing loss due to ringing in the ears, pain in the ears, etc.Several forward bending poses like Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) and Balasana (Child Pose) relieve stress around the neck muscles and improve blood circulation to the brain to energize the body.

Apart from performing yoga exercises, consuming a diet low in fats and rich in fibre, zinc, and vitamin D is recommended for those with hearing difficulties. Do consult your dietitian for advice on foods rich in zinc and vitamin D.

Submitted by G M on November 18, 2011 at 04:59

How Can Hearing Impaired People Attend Yoga Classes? How To Follow Yoga Teacher In This Case

Visual yoga or yoga classes taught using sign language are aimed at teaching  yoga to those who have are hearing impaired. Since yoga involves performing a series of exercises in various poses, one needs to be able to follow the instructor’s commands closely. Very often, the instructor may physically demonstrate how to arrive at a particular pose even as the commands are spoken out aloud. A hearing impaired person who relies on lip reading to follow instructions may find it difficult to perform in the class when the instructor is not in sight.

When they are a part of a regular yoga group, those who are hard of hearing may choose to stay as close as possible to the teacher so that they can lip-read and  can visually follow his/her movements and copy them. Problems arise when the instructor moves around the room correcting postures of other learners even while calling out the commands to direct the movements of the group. With the visual clue from the moving lips, deaf people have to rely on their fellow learners and imitate their moves. In the case of forward bending poses or twisting poses, which make it difficult to follow the moves of other students, they need to be told beforehand what needs to done for that particular pose.

Once he/she is aware of the presence of hearing impaired students, the teacher may opt to explain the steps orally and demonstrate the pose before asking the class to perform a pose. Sign language may also be used to explain the steps, the dos and don’ts with regard to a particular pose, before starting a demonstration. Running a video projection of the demonstration of a pose during the class, as the pose is being practiced is another way of ensuring that the hearings impaired get their visual cues.

Submitted by A on November 18, 2011 at 04:57

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