Practical Yoga

(July 3, 2010)

What is practical yoga?

The practice of Yoga is rooted in ancient traditions and has been handed down through the generations over thousands of years. Today, Yoga is accessible to everyone. Anyone can pursue Yoga whether it is for physical exercise or for mental peace of mind. The term Practical Yoga is used very loosely and its exact meaning differs depending on the context in which it is used. In general, the term Practical Yoga refers to those poses of Yoga which are designed for everyday use even by beginners. For many people, the daily routine does not allow for extended sessions of Yoga. For them, certain basic poses are useful as these will help cover the basic requirements of the body when it comes to the physical benefits of Yoga. The basic Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation sequence should be practiced by everyone who is practicing Yoga. This is a short yet complete collection of poses that can be used to stretch the back, the legs and the arms effectively.

The power of Yoga is a function of each individual and what they can get out of the practice of Yoga. The practical power of Yoga is associated with the simple day to day benefits that Yoga can offer to a lay person. As the human body ages, simple tasks become less and less simple. These tasks could include simple bends that are required to pick things up or to do work around the house. Practical Yoga for everyday people is helpful in such cases. When the body is allowed some exercise, even a small amount of exercise, then it is likely to be more capable of fulfilling its potential and performing such basic tasks.

Sahaja Yoga online meditation is a new branch of Yoga that has become popular through the use of the internet and other modern media. Sahaja Yoga focuses on meditation as a key to spiritual peace and enlightenment. It is less focused on physical poses and more on mental relaxation techniques.

Another technique that is used for the improvement of the mental status of an individual is the Super Brain Yoga Technique. It is a technique that uses acupuncture around the ears of an individual which is supposed to have a beneficial effect on the brain. While Sahaja Yoga refers to peace and meditation, the Super Brain technique uses the acupuncture to increase the wave generation in the brain and thus improve cognition and concentration.

Submitted by A on July 3, 2010 at 10:35

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