Reduce Arms With Sun Salutations

(September 27, 2011)

I would like to know how to reduce arms with yoga

Sun Salutaion Yoga To Reduce Arms

The sun salutation is known to be one of best exercises for the human body as it helps in burning calories as well as in losing weight.  The sun salutation will help in the reduction of flabby arms as well as in toning the whole body. The sun salutation includes a combination of 10 different positions with alternate inhaling and exhaling while one is performing the various poses. In order to reduce arms, besides the sun salutation, one may also take up other forms of exercise such as aerobics, weight training and so on. Ideally to reduce arms the sun salutation should be practiced at least 5 times a week with a minimum of 10 repetitions as this will help in making the arms shapelier. While looking at reducing weight around the arms one should also target the strengthening of the shoulder muscles. Other ways to reduce arms is rope jumping, arm circles, push ups and so on.

Submitted by A V on September 27, 2011 at 12:32

Exercise To Reduce Arms

There are several poses and asanas in yoga that can target the arms and help reduce and shape them. The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is by far one of the best set of exercises that you can do to streamline the appearance of your arms and increase their strength as well. It has been said that doing a few repetitions of the Sun Salutation daily

Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) is a complete exercise by itself, designed to exercise every muscle and sinew of the body comprising a set of 8 Yogasanas (postures). It is a wonderful workout that calls for just a few minutes of your time but is a great exercise routine particularly for those wishing to shed weight or lose excess flab from any part of the body. You can do it in very little space, just 3 by 8 feet, with enough room to lie down and stretch the arms above the head in standing positions.

The best way to reduce arms with Yoga is by practising arm exercises and Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations). These include the following:

  • Arm rotations (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
  • Arm flexing at the elbows (back and forth)
  • Wrist rotations (arms outstretched)
  • Shoulder flexing (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
  • Arm exercises in the following sequence – up, down to shoulder level, sideways and back up (clockwise and anti-clockwise)

Do these; a few rounds one after the other regularly.

Together with this, doing a few rounds of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) would help not just your arms but the rest of your physique as well. All together, a Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence includes 8 different Yoga postures, some repeated twice and are as follows:

Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) is a complete exercise by itself, designed to exercise every muscle and sinew of the body comprising a set of 8 Yogasanas (postures). It is a wonderful workout that calls for just a few minutes of your time but is a great exercise routine particularly for those wishing to shed weight or lose excess flab from any part of the body. You can do it in very little space, just 3 by 8 feet, with enough room to lie down and stretch the arms above the head in standing positions.

Submitted by A V on September 21, 2011 at 06:03

Why Do My Arms (Around Elbows) Tingle When Doing Yoga Downward Dog Position ?

A tingling sensation in the arms and legs happens due to a variety of reasons. If you suffer from nerve injury or carpal tunnel syndrome, you are more prone to bouts of tingling than others. Holding the same position for too long is another cause. This happens in several yoga positions – Down Dog being one of them. 

If you are a beginner at yoga or have been practicing for a while, if you feel any tingling in your arms and elbows when doing the Down Dog ask for help immediately. This is not the time to feel shy as correcting your posture as soon as possible can prevent any future injury. It might simply be a matter of readjustment and aligning your body properly. Your instructor will ask you to get out of the pose and readjust before moving into it again. Maybe you need to take some weight of your wrists so that you can keep your body and spine better aligned. You can keep your weight on your forearms to lessen the pressure or roll a towel and keep it under your palms to create a gentler angle. In this way, you can build up strength in your arms and wrists and move into the full expression of the posture over time. 

Submitted by C D on September 21, 2011 at 05:40

Any Yoga Asana To Tone The Arms?

Yoga involves a collection of different poses, known as asanas, which are designed to work on specific parts of the body or on particular areas of the body. An individual’s yoga session can be adjusted to suit the requirements of each individual. There are specific yoga poses that help to work on the arms, such as the downward facing dog, the upward facing dog, the plank pose, the staff pose and the hand stand pose.

When using yoga to tone the arms, it is important to ensure that other parts of the body are not ignored. The best thing to do in this situation is to do a complete body work out with yoga followed by a session of poses that are designed to work on the arms, as described above. This combination of sequences will help to work the entire body while also focusing on the arms. As with all yoga poses, there is a difficulty level associated with some of the arm strengthening poses. Beginners should therefore not worry if they cannot do poses like the staff pose or the plank pose as these may require additional strength and concentration. This ability can be developed over time as one gains experience with various yoga poses. 

Submitted by S C on August 5, 2011 at 01:33

Will Yoga Help Me Loose Body Fat On My Arms, Stomach, And Thighs?

Yoga is an exercise regime that has developed over many centuries from ancient India. Yoga is designed to help improve the efficiency of the body’s various functions. Yoga is also used to help with concentration and mind control. Any exercise will help an individual lose fat, provided his or her diet is not unhealthy and excessive. Yoga is aimed at improving the flexibility of the body as well as the control that the mind has over the movements of the body.

There are different forms of yoga that apply to their teachings differently. While the poses may be similar from one form to another, the sequences and pace of sequences tend to differ. In order to lose weight, it is important to follow a more strenuous form of yoga that helps to burn energy. Students with some amount of knowledge and basic understanding of yoga poses should try these so as to avoid unnecessary injuries. When this is achieved, one can try to push the body for extended sessions where energy usage is increased. When the body burns more energy than the food available for it, it will begin to metabolize fat. It is this process that will eventually lead to weight loss which is why some patience is needed on the part of the individual.

Submitted by C D on August 5, 2011 at 01:30

How To Get Stronger Arms?

Muscle building occurs when the body is put under some sort of physical strain. When strained, the body needs to produce more power to deal with the situation. In the period after this, protein that is consumed in the diet is added to the muscle mass to build up strength. Therefore, one needs to provide the body with a physical challenge in order to build stronger arms.

There are many methods to achieve this requirement. One can use various exercise techniques to gain muscle mass. These include weight lifting and resistance exercises with the arms. When exercising, it is important to ensure that one warms up sufficiently so that there is a reduced chance of developing an injury. It is also important to ensure that one does not push the body too hard. Yoga poses like hand stands also help to strengthen arm muscles. It may also be advisable to perform some arm-specific warm up exercises, especially if one is focusing directly on this part of the body. Along with such exercises, one must gradually increase the protein intake so that the system does not have a deficiency of raw material when it seeks to start building muscle tissue. It is also important that the diet is otherwise balanced and healthy.

Submitted by s s on August 5, 2011 at 01:28

The best way to reduce arms with Yoga is by practising arm exercises and Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations). These include the following:

  • Arm rotations (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
  • Arm flexing at the elbows (back and forth)
  • Wrist rotations (arms outstretched)
  • Shoulder flexing (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
  • Arm exercises in the following sequence – up, down to shoulder level, sideways and back up (clockwise and anti-clockwise)

Do these; a few rounds one after the other regularly.

Together with this, doing a few rounds of Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) would help not just your arms but the rest of your physique as well. All together, a Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence includes 8 different Yoga postures, some repeated twice and are as follows:

  1. Namaskar – Salute
  2. Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose
  3. Padangusthasana – Hand to Foot Pose
  4. Surya darshan – Sun Sight Pose
  5. Purvottanasana – Inclined Plane
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose
  7. Sashtang Dandawat – Forehead, Chest, Knee to Floor Pose
  8. Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
  9. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose
  10. Surya darshan – Sun Sight Pose
  11. Padangusthasana – Hand to Foot Pose
  12. Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose
  13. Namaskar – Salute

Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations) is a complete exercise by itself, designed to exercise every muscle and sinew of the body comprising a set of 8 Yogasanas (postures). It is a wonderful workout that calls for just a few minutes of your time but is a great exercise routine particularly for those wishing to shed weight or lose excess flab from any part of the body. You can do it in very little space, just 3 by 8 feet, with enough room to lie down and stretch the arms above the head in standing positions.

Together with this you would also be well advised to follow a Yogic diet. You seem to be concerned only about your arms, but Yoga takes care of your whole physique, mind and heart as well. To this extent, having light, Sattvic (pure and predominantly vegetarian) meals would be very healthy for you, keep you from gaining those unnecessary pounds in any part of your body and leave you with a feeling of zest and peppiness all day through. It is also proven that people who abide by a Yogic diet enjoy good, sound sleep as well.

Steer clear of all milk products such as butter and cheeses as well as other fatty foods that are deep fried (fried chicken, French Fries, etc) and all fast / junk foods. They just make you heavy without contributing anything to your health and well being.

Submitted by A on February 16, 2009 at 02:49

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