Many factors like previous experience, individual experience, available time, and general health are taken into account when planning a yoga program.
In a situation where a disease is diagnosed, yoga is used only to aid the medical treatment and not to replace it.
However, yoga is not only for those who are ill or require treatment. Poses in yoga like the Prayer Pose are recommended for healthy people as an alternative means of fitness. Yoga is also recommended for improving physical, psychological, and physiological health.
Namaskarasana (Prayer Pose) is an easy and effective asana that is important as you move from simple yoga poses to more advanced ones. This pose will instruct you on how to push from below your shoulders and from the lats (commonly known as latissimi dorsi), which is a major group of muscles in the back. This posture aligns and strengthens the upper body, while getting rid of tension and improving blood circulation to the shoulder joint. It is also effective in strengthening the lumbar and abdominal region as you try and form a base.
The prayer pose steps are as follows:
There are certain precautions you should take when attempting the Prayer Pose.
Yoga postures should never be practiced under the influence of mind-altering drugs or alcohol. It is always recommended that you first consult a doctor before practicing the yoga postures.
A good beginner’s tip for prayer pose is to close your mouth and breathe in while your stomach contracts and breathe out slowly after some time. During your yoga sessions, you should always concentrate on what you are doing and not worry about the others. It is also important that you never strain or force yourself into a pose.
Some of the benefits to the body are:
Some of the therapeutic applications of the Prayer Pose are as follows:
Variations in yoga are used for individuals who are physically unable to perform to the requirements of the pose. Variations can also be used to deepen a certain posture and push the body further. If you’re unable to balance with both your hands up, one variation for the prayer pose is to keep one hand on the ground between the toes.
The best time to practice yoga is considered to be early in the morning before you have had your breakfast. If you are unable to practice yoga in the morning, you could also practice it early evening when the sun is setting. Although these times are considered to be ideal, you could practice it at any time of the day. However, make sure that you perform the poses only after 2 to 3 hours of having your meals.
It is important that you choose a clean and quiet place with fresh air to aid your awareness and concentration during the performances of the poses.
To achieve the benefits of yoga it is also important that you follow a yogic diet. This diet is a balanced diet that yogis believe have an influence on our mental, spiritual and physical well being. This yogic diet is known as a lacto-vegetarian diet. In yogic literature, foods that are beneficial to us are said to be pure or satvic. Following a satvic diet is said to be ideal because it nourishes the body while being easily digestible. Satvic foods include honey, grains, rice, lentils, seeds, nuts, butter, milk and vegetables.